Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Essential oil raw material optimization

Optimization of raw material quality for essential oil extraction need to be done because it will affect the yield. Qualityof raw materials is influenced by the quality of cultivation which include the appropriate agro-climate requirement, varieties, cultivation technology applied and the proper harvest age. All of that must meet the Good Agriculture Practices (GAP). Harvest handling can affect the yield and completeness of its components.
Research Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Balittro) of Indonesia has obtained four superior patchouli clones with patchouli alcohol levels above the required quality (more than 30%). They are Cisaroni, Lhoksumawe, Sidikalang, and Tapak Tuan. The clones can be used as reference in the selection of patchouli clones. In addition to forms or clones of plants, optimization of raw material quality for extraction of essential oil can be done by setting the age of harvest. Patchouli plants can be harvested after the age of 6-8 months and subsequent harvests can be done every 3-4 months. When the leaves are too young, the possibility of secondary metabolites which are formed is less than perfect so that it affect on final product quality.
Vetiver essential oil, distilled from the young rhizome, having low specific gravity, optical rotation and is difficult to soluble in alcohol, mostly consists of terpenes and sesquiterpenes. The older rhizome produce vetiver oil which has higher specific gravity and optical rotation, is soluble in alcohol and more intensive smell. At the extraction of jasmine oil, the flowers are picked at the optimum level of aging. In the case of white jasmine oil (Jasminum sambac), the milky white flowers are chosen to be picked, while at the case of gambier jasmine (Jasminum officinale), the flowers are picked at the young age of purple flowers. Optimization of raw material quality for essential oil extraction can also be done by shortening the time gap between the harvest and the processing or distillation, so there will be less volatile substances lost during handling of raw material.

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Essential oil uses to make bath salt

Today, essential oil uses to make bath salt is developed to meet the needs of the spa, beauty, and private with an aromatherapy system. This is because of the essential oil content. They can be considered as the most effective catalyst and as a medium of transport of nutrients to body cells. Thus, treatments with aromatherapy principles have been widely applied by using that volatile substances. In the bathing activity, the principles of aromatherapy have also been used by utilizing the bath salt.
It is defined as additives (additional substances) consisting of a mixture of salts and other inorganic chemicals which are easily dissolved, then given a fragrance materials, dyes, and may also the enzyme. Their main component is Epsom salt (MgSO4) which reaches 90-97%.
It is made with the aim to create a fragrance, coloring effects of water, fitness, and also to reduce water hardness. Its usefulness in general very diverse, among which is to cleanse the body, fostering relaxed atmosphere and as a means of refreshing, lower sense of stress, exfoliate dead skin, eliminate body odor. It is capable of providing a relaxed atmosphere (relaxation). It is mainly due to the of essential oil uses for bath salt that can affect mood and emotions significantly. The special function in terms of health, especially because of it serves to flex the muscle tension, reduces pain in sore muscles, reduce symptoms of inflammation (inflammation), as well as cure the infection. For beauty, it can help smooth the skin (cleansing), stimulate cell growth as well as rejuvenate the skin (rejuvenating), and eliminate fatigue. Potassium and magnesium can stimulate energy regeneration. Types of fragrance that are widely used for this purpose are oil of patchouli, nutmeg, turmeric, ginger, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, and so forth.
Of course, the benefits of essential oil uses to make bath salt depending on its type which is used, such as patchouli oil play a role in the treatment of damaged skin, preventing wrinkled and cracked skin, depression and anxiety.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rid of fruit flies using essential oil

Get rid of fruit flies using essential oil now can be done with citronella oil or lemongrass oil. The research performed at the Laboratory of Plant Pest and Disease, Hasanuddin University of Makassar, Indonesia, showed that citronella oil is a fruit flies attractant of both males and females.
Fruit flies is one of the insect pests that attack crops in the field. The species of the family Tephritidae reach 4500 species, and there are 20 species of the Bactrocera genus is an important pest on crops and vegetables in Asia. Bactrocera spp. has a pretty much host like: orange, mango, papaya, avocados, bananas, tomatoes, apples, pineapples, pears, apricots, eggplant, guava and melon.
Yield loss due to their attack in Indonesia is quite large. This is because the stadia that causing damage on plant is their larvae which attack directly on the the crops. At the chili crop, the yield losses can reach 80%. Widespread attacks estimated 4700 ha with a loss of 21.99 billion rupiahs in 2002. In tackling these pests, farmers have been controlling in nature, such as by wrapping the fruit, containment plants with plastic nets, fogging around the tree and others. This effort allows for a relatively small land area, but it is inefficient to the land of many hectares. Another control that has been done is sterilization, chemical and wear traps using attractants.
Lemongrass essential oil
Get rid of fruit flies using essential oil is based on the ability of attractant substances such as methyl eugenol in the essential oil which is dripped on cotton inside the trap. Based on the testing, some essential oil give good results as an attractant for those insects. This method is effective in reducing the population as well as restrictions on entry and development of those insects in an area. However, synthetic attractants is only able to get the attention of the male, because it is parapheromone (sex pheromone) are compounds that smell similar to a pheromone produced by female insects to get the males to come. While the main suspect actually is the female which piercing or harming the surface in order to lay eggs inside.
One of the vegetable materials that are attractants of the insects is lemongrass oil. About 20-50% concentration of lemongrass oil effectively attracts both kind of fruit flies in the laboratory and in the field. In field testing, lemongrass oil which is applied in liquid form, which is dripped on cotton that is attached to the trap is quite effective in get them. However, application of this fluid did not kill it so that the trap still needs to be added to a solution of detergent and the application is only effective up to day-to-4. Lemongrass essential oil has a distinctive aroma of lemon. The source of the scent is an aldehyde compound, namely sitral oil as the main compound.
Adding Materials Adhesives
To kill fruit flies which is going into lemongrass oil dripped on cotton, it is required other materials, such as detergent or adhesive. Addition of adhesive on lemongrass oil droplets on cotton was found to increase the effectiveness in controlling their population. Thus, get rid of fruit flies using essential oil is one of the natural and environmental friendly solution.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Get rid of dandruff by essential oil

Get rid of dandruff by essential oil is one natural way that can be done at home. The material is promising is the kaffir lime oil. It is popular in culinary use to reduce the fishy smell and flavor. They have rough skin which in is used for seasoning “pecel” sauce in East Java and is used as a medicinal in the community of North Sumatra. Beyond that, it is also efficacious to remove dandruff.
Kaffir lime (Citrus Hystrix) or so-called sauce orange or “pecel” citrus is generally used for flavoring food and fragrances. It is included in subgenus Papeda and its appearance is easily recognizable. Compared with other citrus, it has round shape with the bulges, or the rough and thick surface of skin. Its plants originated from East Asia and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, they can be found in Java, Sulawesi (Makassar) and the Moluccas.
It is also be used for beauty and health. For health, it is used to prevent and cure influenza. As for beauty, it can brighten dull skin.
Meanwhile, they could serve as anti-dandruff, to overcome dull and stinky odor on the hair and scalp. It contains essential oil which can strengthen the follicles, so it is very useful for treating hair and its roots.
Its essential oil containing 2 to 2.5 percent of citrate. They also contain triperponoid steroids and tannins. No wonder, if many variety of skin and beauty products using ingredients from this as basic materials. Essential oil for fragrance can be obtained from its leaves or its peel.
Explained by Dr. Sri Murniati Moerdowo, LSKI chairman, its leaves have always been used to prevent hair problems. Currently, many hair care products use it as basic materials. Now, their processing is not mashed like in the earlier times, but it is taken to be extract which is used to make the hair look healthy and shiny.
From the results of research in the Journal of Kasetsart, it is found that essential oil of kaffir lime peel in the form of crude extract, could inhibit the growth of Candida alcicans which is a micro-organism associated with the dandruff of the scalp. So, if you want to get rid of dandruff by essential oil, you can take this optimum formula: kaffir lime juice, kaffir lime peel oil, sodium lauryl ether sulfate, coconut diethanolamide, 5-bromo-5-nitro-1, 3-dioxane (Bronidox) and water at 15.0, 1.0, 50.0, 30.0, 0.1 and 30.0 percent (w/w), respectively.
But if you want to use its fruit for hair care, you must clean the fruit first, then cut it into two parts for easy shredded. Grated result, applied to the scalp to stimulate the follicles. Then allow it to stand for one hour until the smear of the grated, really soak into the scalp. After that, you can cleanse it with clean water or with added shampoo. Although this treatment is safe, but you must keep in mind that it is sour substance, so that if irritated scalp is exposed to such material, it.can cause painful irritation. Therefore, you should not take this treatment.
However, get rid of dandruff by essential oil can be performed in natural way using the others, such as rosemary and ylang-ylang or cananga to help stimulate hair growth. Lavender also help us to fight dandruff. Always consult with your doctor to avoid further problem since everybody has different physical condition.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Essential oil business development in Indonesia

Essential oil business development in Indonesia needs to consider many complex factors, ranging from actors, technical and management of cultivation, processing technology, to the marketing. Intensification programs of essential oil plant need to consider absorption of markets, and prefer the commodity area grouping programs as well as intensification to improve its productivity and quality of raw materials, so it does not pose a risk of loss for farmers. Its plant farming is developed in the appropriate area, using top quality of plant material, and applying a good way of cultivation (good agricultural practices) to improve productivity and quality.
In the downstream, the essential oil industry should be developed that relies on the availability of raw materials and chemicals. Plant engineering and processing as well as R and D is undertaken by the Indonesian people themselves, so they do not only export raw materials but also high value processed commodities.
Volatile oil price fluctuations and levels, among others, are determined by supply and demand. So the government and exporters are expected to play an active role in providing guidance and counseling to farmers and distillers to anticipate market conditions and needs of the world. Attitude of openness of all businesses in terms of information components and cost structure of farming, refining, trading, and export and the level of prices in export markets can improve the harmonization of relationships between business actors.
Its value-added commodities can be improved because the technology to produce derivative commodities or conversion of its natural commodities into high value-added products has been available. The results of research and development need to be disseminated to the business. It required the support and joint efforts between government and business to the intensive dissemination of technology progresses, including the utilization of human resources at universities and research / development institutions.
Formulation and implementation of standardized processes (Good Agricultural Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices), standard equipment, quality standards applicable and needed in world trade, and prices associated with the quality standards should be promoted. It required the support of all stakeholders in order to realize and implement the various standards.
Increased profits can be pursued through the use of high quality raw materials, processing with appropriate technology, as well as increased efficiency of processing and marketing. The more intensive facilitation and coaching from the government / universities / research institutes and exporters needed to disseminate the appropriate technology to farmers and refiners.
Governments need to socialize the conditions and regulations on essential oil businesses development, both nationally and internationally. Improved access to capital for farmers and refiners, as well as institutional strengthening / farmers' associations and refiners in the region should continue to be pursued.
In every essential oil production centers, forum for communication of all relevant actors and agencies should be held periodically to seek solutions to problems faced and develop several action strategies for essential oil business development. The existence of “essential sites” to maintain the networking and communication among stakeholders at central and local governments can also support the efforts.
In order to integrate and harmonize the national essential oil community activities, all the stakeholders have agreed to form the Indonesia Council of Essential Oils. This council serves as a vehicle to: (1) to unite, protect and defend the interests of all stakeholders in the face of globalization, (2) improve the competitiveness and the "glory" of the commodities in the international world, and (3) enhance cooperation in the development of its value-added products.
Referring to the Estates Act No.18/2004 of Indonesia, the government is obliged to facilitate the establishment of commodity boards, so that the Council should be formed immediately. The establishment of the board of commodities is carried by the stakeholders. The small team which is a special task force representing various departments from government can be formed. This team can be a strategic partner in managing the Council and improve the performance and competitiveness of essential oil commodities, so that Indonesia become the world's major producer of volatile oil. Furthermore, the essential oil business development in Indonesia requires a strong commitment from the players to execute all the strategies and rules that have been agreed.

Reference: Molide Rizal and Muhamad Djazuli, 2006. Strategi Pengembangan Minyak Atsiri di Indonesia. Warta Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Vol. 28, No. 5, 2006)

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Essential oil extraction using microwave

Currently, the essential oil extraction using microwave is studied intensively to replace conventional technologies such as steam distillation (hydrodistillation), isolation with fat (enfleurage), etc. The primarily advantage of this method is the less time of volatile compounds extraction than previous methods.
Electromagnetic waves transmitted through radiation will penetrate the transparent substances like glass as a container of the raw material. It is able to achieve the gland and vascular system in the plant material. Moisture content and other components, including volatile compounds in plant parts absorb the radiation and it will turn it into heat energy. This leads to an increase in temperature in the raw material rapidly. Temperature increasing continues until the internal pressure exceeds the expansion capacity of cell wall. In this condition, the walls will rupture and the substances inside, including volatile substances will come out freely.
After the aromatic compounds went out of the wall, it will be mixed with moisture which is also contained in the raw material. These mechanisms facilitate the the evaporation of volatile compounds and water through a hydrodiffusion mechanism.
Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
MAE is a simple technique for the essential oil extraction using microwave. This technique can be applied both in the liquid phase (which liquid is used as a solvent) or gas phase (gas is used as a medium for extracting).
The first technique is based on the principle of differences in the ability to absorb microwave energy at each of the compounds contained in plant parts. Parameters commonly used to measure the physical properties are referred as the dielectric constant.
MAE technique also depends on the dielectric constant of the solvent used. Alfaro et al (2003) said that the ethanol produces the best yield of ginger oil than the other solvent such as hexane, petroleum ether, and dichloromethane. Further in his research said that the use of MAE can reduce the processing time to 60 seconds instead of using the soxhlet extraction.
Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation (MAH)
This method is basically a combination between the essential oil extraction using microwave radiation with dry distillation system. Therefore, the MAH are not required additional solvents such as MAE. To ensure ongoing process of diffusion of volatile compounds and water, so the raw material must be fresh (containing moisture).
In general, the method is as follows: plant parts put in the distillation flask made of glass that can be penetrated by radiation so that those materials will absorb it then it reach the gland and vascular systems in the cell wall. These mechanisms generate heat so that the walls will rupture and the aromatic substances inside can freely come out. Water in the raw substance will also become hot due to the absorption of electromagnetic energy and diffuse into the volatile oil causing hydrodiffusion. Aromatic substances and moisture evaporate together based on the principles of distillation and then condensed.
Finally, essential oil extraction using microwave needs to be further studied, especially its composition or its contents, whether there is a change of natural substances in the essential oils or not.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Essential oil uses as feed additives

Essential oil uses as a feed additive in any type of livestock ransoms can be done without changing the Ingestion system used on a farm, both traditional farming and large livestock industry. The combination of several types of essential oils increase the effectiveness of these oils work (synergist work ). Although administered in low doses (g / ton of feed basalt), they generate more profit, both in terms of social economic and animal physiology.
Something good for mankind will not be bad when it is given to livestock. Therefore, there is no reason not to use them in cattle farm. In cattle, the importance of uses of essential oils active components have just been understood and researched in recent years.
Now, it is more than just an alternative to antibiotics. They not only affect the microbial population, but at the same, showed positive effect on the activity of digestive enzymes and intermediate metabolism. Livestock production is not only intended to enhance the appearance of cattle, but also the nutrition and health of livestock and humans. Currently, the essential oil uses as a feed additive became popular in the world of agriculture and livestock to boost metabolism and digestion (digestion and metabolism promoters).
Because its smell and taste, so its oral consumption which is mixed into livestock basal feed to stimulate central nervous system, that ultimately results in increased appetite and consumption of food substances. They stimulate the production of digestive fluids that produce an appropriate pH for digestive enzymes, such as peptinase. At the same time, it increase the activity of digestive enzymes and regulation of microbial activity. The stability of the microflora in the digestive tract decreases the incidence of diarrhea and other digestive diseases. The real effect of this mechanism is the improvement of energy conversion and digestion of nutrients and positive impact on the metabolism of nitrogen, amino acids, and glucose.
Applications of essential oils blend from Oregano (Oreganum vulgare), Cinnanom (Cinnamon annum), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Eucalyptus on the broiler in the area of East Java – Indonesia, showed improvement of feed conversion, increased weight gain, reducing mortality and improvement of farm business profit.
Its ability to stimulate the central nervous system change the cattle characteristic which is more tolerant to stress (increase immunity), both the stress caused by the separation from its parent (especially in pigs) and the stress caused by environmental conditions.
Positively influence of the of essential oil uses as a feed additive was also seen in European countries, the United States, and some Asian countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and India both on the broiler, laying hens, and ruminants.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Choosing essential oil bottle

During storage, degradation can occur in essential oils. The deterioration is usually caused by oxidation, resinification (condensed form compounds such as resin), polymerization (forming a viscous compound), and hydrolysis. Because of changes in these compounds, so the its color will change and become more viscous. The changes are activated by heat, oxygen from air, moisture, sunlight, and heavy metal molecules. They should be stored properly so that the deterioration will not happen or at least be slowed.
Here are the best tips on how to store essential oil properly:
Tips # 1: Choose a dark bottle
They should be stored in containers made from glass, dark (eg, brown or dark blue) to reduce the incoming rays.
Tips # 2: Consider the headspace
It is an empty space between the products with a lid. Generally, its function was to provide room for expansion of its content/volume when it was get sterilized. However, if it is too large then the contained material is very likely to get oxidized and discoloration of the packaged material will happen, whereas if it is too small then the packing tip could be broken during sterilization. Typically, its volume is approximately 10% of container capacity. So you have to consider the size of the bottle in this case.
Therefore, it should be fully loaded so that oxygen from the air in the headspace is small. If the content in the bottle is very low then it needs to be poured into another one of smaller size to avoid too large air volume in the previous bottle.
Before closing, preferably CO2 or Nitrogen gas sprayed into the headspace. CO2 and Nitrogen is an inert gas (not easily react with the material). Thus, it can be relatively free of oxygen and was replaced by carbon dioxide or nitrogen.
Tips # 3: Choose the right material for packaging
They should be stored in the place that are completely dry and must be free of heavy metals. Therefore, the essential oil bottle should be made of glass or coated with an inert material.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Essential oils properties

Although their composition differ one from another, they have some similar physical essential oil properties. They are composed not only of one compound, but a mixture with different composition for each type of plant. They have a distinctive odor, a high refractive index, and most have optical activity and a specific rotation. Therefore, these parameters are used as the qualification of those products.
They are soluble in ether, alcohol, and several other organic solvents. Its solubility in water is very small, but large enough to provide the smell to the water. Water that contains very little of them also has a fragrance, usually called aromatic water.
The other essential oil properties as follows:
-It has a distinctive odor, the smell is generally represented his native plant odor
-Having a sense of bitter, sharp taste, bite, giving a sense of hot or even warm to cold when the skin, depending on the type of its components. For example: the volatile compounds from clove bud give us extra hot, even irritating sensation to our skin, so you should be careful when use it.
How to distinguish between them with the fat or oil?
Plant substances that have a solubility and physical appearance similar to the volatile oil is "oil or fat". They were both somewhat viscous liquid form and can not dissolved in water. To distinguish them, you may notice the following essential oil properties:
Tips #1
They can be distilled from the source of natural materials, while fat or oil can not because essential oils contain volatile compounds which give distinct pleasant aroma. The fat and oil sometime contain short chain fatty acid. That compounds are also volatile but give unpleasant aroma signing the rancidity of fat or oil had happened.
Tips #2
When both substances are hatched on a piece of paper it will leave a transparent stain. After a while, volatile oil stains will disappear, while the oil or fat stains still there.
Tips #3
On the addition of alkali, they do not produce soap, while the fat or oil produce soap.
Tips #4
Fat or oil when stored longer would be rancid (rancid), but volatile oils are not. However, when volatile compounds exposed to sunlight or moisture, air or oxygen will cause resinification, thus becoming similar viscous resin.
Understanding essential oil properties can help us to design each application and to formulate the right recipe of the various kinds.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finding essential oil from plant part

Essential oil is produced from various part of plant and then stored in various organs. Research shows that they are made in the certain organs. They are present inside the plant (called "internal glands") and outside it (called "external ones").
Internal gland
It is produced by the entry of essential oils that originally exist outside the cells, which then destroy them around it, create a kind of channel organs with essential oils inside. There are possibilities that the surrounding ones to dissolved and create a group of cells called "glands" thus produce a channel that contains it.
Its mechanism such as formation schizolysigen. Some of them may exist in all parts of the certain trees. There are herbs that contained it only in the leaves, flowers, or in the trunk. There are also trees that contain it in some location of the plant, for example in the leaves and the bark as in Cinnamoni (cinnamon). Under microscope, it appears that they exist in the form of fraction with slightly yellowish-colored cells. Sometimes their wall dissolved to build a line of volatile oil in cinnamon bark (created by schizolysigen).
External gland
Glands of the external surface, commonly referred to as "epidermal cells" or its modification, such as hairs. The volatile products are usually buried in between the cuticle (outer layer) and the wall between a cell with others. Cuticle in the form of a thin layer will rupture when exposed to friction, eg friction hands. When the cuticle breaks, they would come out so its smell will spread.
Under microscope, that hairs found on the entire surface of the leaves and bark. They shaped like hair and a sphere-shaped organ that contain the volatile compounds. Important things to note:
1. In the Cinnamomun zeylanicum BREYN, it is found in the bark as opposed to that contained in the leaves.
2. In Coniferae, it is found in all plant parts.
3. In rose, it is found only in the petals of flowers.
4. In Umbelliferae, it is in pericarp of fruit.
5. On citrus (orange), it is in the petals and its composition is very different with the volatile compounds which come from the peel of the fruit.

If you want to produce essential oils, you need to know the parts of plants which can produce it. So it should be studied first.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Essential oil business opportunities in Indonesia

As one of the biodiversity central, Indonesia has the opportunities to produces 40 kinds of essential oils from 80 species that are traded in world business. Of these, 13 species have entered the world markets that is patchouli, lemongrass, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon, sandalwood, jasmine, vetiver, ylang, eucalyptus, and cubeb.
Most of the them produced by the farmers is exported to the market share of 64% patchouli, 67% ylang, 26% vetiver, 12% lemongrass, 72% nutmeg, 63% cloves. 0.4% ginger, and 0.9% pepper oil of world exports. Essential oils export destination for Indonesia, among others, the United States (23%), Britain (19%), Singapore (18%), India (8%), Spain (8%), France (6%), China (3% ), Switzerland (3%), Japan (2%), and other countries (8%). Although the market share of some of these commodities are individually relatively high, the total share of Indonesia in the essential oils international market is only about 2.6%. In any national economy, these products at 2001-2003 period has only a small portion, classified into commodities "plantation", the role of an average 0.01% of total export value of commodities. In 2004, essential oils export value reached U.S. $ 47.2 million, but this country also imported this commodity worth U.S. $ 12.26 million and their processed products (derivatives, isolates, and formulas) U.S. $ 117.20 million. If the value of imports is taken into account, so the Indonesia's trade balance for these commodities became negative. Actually, some of them can be produced domestically, such as peppermint oil (Mentha arvensis) and anise oil (Clausena anisata).
On 18-20 September 2006, in Solo (Indonesia) has held the National Conference with the theme Towards SMEs of Essential Oils with Highly Competitive. The conference has identified 32 types that have the potential to be developed, among which there are seven new types which can be exploited commercially, ie anise oil, peppermint oil (cornmint oil), basil (Reunion type basil oil), fragrant lemongrass (East Indian Type), kitchen lemongrass (West Indian Type), jerangau (Calamus oil), and bangle. Various agreements have also been reached to develop these products in this country in order to provide optimum benefit and proportionate for all national stakeholders of this commodity.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Get rid body odor with essential oils

Body odor is not pleasant. This could undermine the comfort and confidence, if you do not get rid it. Many ways can be done to disguise it and repel it. However, many people do not know that natural deodorants available in the kitchen. Their natural ability to help us remove body odor comes from their essential oil content. What are they?
Marsh fleabane leaves (Pluchea indica)
This plant has an unpleasant smell and taste bitter. To eliminate body odor, eat raw Marsh fleabane leaves or steamit first. Boiled Marsh fleabane leaves are also delicious eaten as an ointment (vegetables with spiced grated coconut). If you eat it regularly, surely this stinky problem will disappear. In addition, the lack of bad or stinky breath odor will disappear. For people who do not like it, you can drink boiled water of Marsh fleabane leaves every morning and evening. It has also benefit to lower body temperature to trigger sweating.
Basil (Ocimun bassilicum)
Basil leaves contain essential oils that are believed to eliminate our stinky aroma. In addition, its essential oils also serves as an antiseptic. You can use it as a salad of raw vegetables or an ointment. Alternatively, crush or grind the leaves, seeds, and roots of basil, then pour it with boiling hot water, filter it, and add the sugar. Drink it two times a day, morning and night.
For women who are menstruating, eating approximately a handful of basil leaves in the morning and afternoon during menstruation, to avoid the odor that often befall to menstruating women.
Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)
Saponin, flavoinoid, and essential oils, are the substances in Javanese turmeric which can eliminate this problem. The tips is drinking decoction of the finely chopped Javanese turmeric. Its juice with the little addition of honey can also be taken to overcome body odor. In addition, grated Javanese turmeric can also be massaged into the entire body, and then allowed to stand until dry before cleaning to get maximum results.
Torch ginger flowers (Nicolaia speciosa)
Active substance of this plant that can get rid body odor is saponin, flavoinoid, and polyphenols. Besides saponin and flavoinoid, it also contains polyphenols. It can be used by cooking its young leaves and flowers as vegetables to be eaten with rice. Its flowers can be cooked as a vegetable mixture of lodeh (one of Indonesian traditional cuisine) or goulash.
Kaffir lime (Citrus bystrix)
Kaffir lime peel contains essential oils that smell nice so it can be used to get rid body odor. The tips is drinking its juice mixed with mashed kencur together with enough boiled water.
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
Lime juice also contains essential oils. You can take one lime, squeeze it, take its juice and mix with 1/2 teaspoon of limestone, then stir it well. Rub into specific sections such as the armpits after a shower. Let stand for a moment to dry, then you can change with new clothes.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Many Indians believe that taking ginger can make them smell "sweet". According to Pen Chao Ching, the Shen Nong Emperor in China mainland (3000 BC), fresh ginger can get rid body odor and brought it to the spiritual aura. Ginger beverage consumed regularly may help to overcome this problem.
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
Cucumber is rich in water and contains calcium, iron, magnesium. Eating cucumber is very refreshing. In addition to reduce fever, cucumber is also beneficial for skin health. The tips is wash one young cucumber, slice it thinly, then apply or rub on the body that smells. Or, grate cucumber, then compress your armpits with the grater. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes, then remove it. Do this after a shower.
Cloves (Eugenia aromatica)
Soak some cloves flowers in hot water so fluffy, then cool it, and drink the water. Perform it regularly in the morning and evening, surely your body odor will soon disappear. In addition, the decoction of a few cloves florets with palm sugar, can also be a refreshments and warming in times of rain or cold weather.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Choose the best essential oils brand

Here are tips that can help you, how to choose the best brand of essential oils with high quality and pure. Because when you walk in the aromatherapy store to buy it, then you will be greeted by variety of pleasant scents. However, not all of it and scented candles has a healing power. Consider the following tips of choosing the best essential oils brand
1. Check the bottle.
Avoid buying the essential oils sold in clear glass bottles because of clear glass allows the light causing the damage to its content. Instead, choose the products stored in amber-colored bottles (brown) or dark. Most of the best essential oils brand is packed in the dark or amber bottles. Some vendors sell it in aluminum bottles. Aluminum is acceptable if the inside of the bottle is coated.
You should also avoid buying it in plastic bottles because the oil may dissolve plastic. Furthermore, the dissolved plastic will contaminate it.
Also avoid buying the products that have a rubber pipette bulb on it because the rubber pipette bulb can be dissolved in the essential oils and then it is contaminated.
2. Observe the properties of each
Each type of aromatherapy oil has different therapeutic qualities, i.e. pine is good for treating coughs and asthma. Currently, the scent of patchouli is used to relieve anxiety, depression, and skin problems. Before you buy aromatherapy products, make sure you know the benefits of each kind.
3. Check the label.
Be careful with words like "perfume," "natural," or "perfume oil" These words indicate that you saw was not a single pure essential oil. Many labeled brand perfume (which can be a combination of essential oils and chemicals, or chemicals only) and perfume as "aromatherapy". It is important to buy pure aromatherapy oil to obtain optimal health benefits.
4. Check the presence of dust.
If you see an aromatherapy product has a dusty, then avoid buying it. The existence of dust indicates its long life even aromatherapy products expired. Products that have expired are no longer giving healing properties as the product is still new.
5. Check the prices.
Different types of aromatherapy products have different prices. Some rare and exotic oil have higher prices than other types. The extraction difficulties also affect its value. The more complex extraction, then the more expensive price. If every bottle of aromatherapy product has the same price, you have to think twice before you buy it.
Finally, you should remember that only the best essential oils provides the best benefit and healing properties for you. So, choose the best essential oils for you wisely!

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Essential Oils Recipe for Massage Oil

Essential oils recipe can be used as an ingredient for making massage oil, as well as for flavor enhancer or being used in the perfume industry. It is required for that activity because it can produce a relaxing effect (reduce tension), increase the sense of peace and tranquility, and promote healing.
Some of those can be used for this purpose include patchouli, cajuput, clove, tea tree, black pepper, orange, citronella, ylang-ylang (cananga), and nutmeg oil. Each of them has the different benefit.
The benefits of these essential oils when used for massage oil recipe are:
Patchouli: gives strength or power on the entire body (or on just one system in particular, for example, the respiratory system), and has ability to kill/reduce microbe.
Cinnamon: reduces pain.
Cajuput, clove oil, tea tree: is a powerful antiseptic (especially for the respiratory system), serves as an antiviral, astringent, stimulant and tonic.
Black pepper: are analgesic, antikataral, expectorant, stimulant and tonic.
Lemongrass fragrance oil: is anti-inflammatory and tonic as well as efficacious as a stimulant of the immune system.
Orange: is refreshing, reducing/ killing certain microbe, stimulant, tonic, prevent the acne.
Cananga: is antiinflmation and tonic
Nutmeg: nature as an analgesic, reducing/ killing certain microbe, and stimulant.
However, you should be careful in combining them as one recipe because certain types are irritating to the skin, such as clove oil. Skin irritation is a reaction to the material that causes inflammation and itching. Usually (but not always), skin irritation is found in substances containing aldehyde or phenol with a high level. From one person to another found a wide tolerance, which the oils that does not cause a reaction in the majority of consumers can be irritating on one or two people who are more sensitive. However, the dermal irritation is usually local and brief. Therefore, for a massage, it is important to use essential oils with the less irritating to the skin and is not toxic.
Carrier oil
Some of them has been studied for use as a carrier in recipe for massage by Mira Rivai et.al. (Presented in the Indonesia National Conference of EO, in 2006), namely the VCO (virgin coconut oil), palm, castor, and coconut oil. From the results of these studies found that the most preferred one is the product that uses VCO and coconut oil. But in terms of aroma, the product that use palm oil is the most preferred by panelists.
Essential oils recipe for massage oil
Here is some formula of massage oil according to Rivai et.al. (2006):
Formula 1: VCO 97%, 1% patchouli oil, ylang-ylang (cananga) oil 1%, and nutmeg oil 1%.
Formula 2: coconut oil 97%, patchouli oil 1%, ylang oil 1%, and nutmeg oil 1%.
Formula 3: palm oil 97%, patchouli oil 1%, ylang oil 1%, nutmeg and oil 1%.
However, essential oils recipe for massage oil should be used wisely, for example: do not use it on wounded or irritated skin, and not use it in dense concentrations.

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Solvent extraction for essential oils from flowers

What is extraction?
Solvent extraction in principle is the separation (separation) that exploit the differences in solubility properties of the individual components of a mixtures in certain types of solvents.
Examples are: a mixture of A and B would be separated using the X solvent. From the data of solubility properties, component of A is very soluble in X, while component of B is slightly soluble or even insoluble. If the X is added to the mixture of A and B which are different in nature of polarity, then the component of A will dissolve in the X, while B does not. So it will get a new mixture of A and X. The next stage is how to separate the A and X? One method is evaporation.
Extraction techniques are typically used to produce essential oils that are easily damaged by heat, in this case is the volatile oil of flowers such as jasmine, or rose. To dissolve the essential oils, then a chemical compound is required which is typically and non-polar. Why do non-polar? Fresh flowers naturally contain water. In the concept of chemical bonding, the water is polar. Well, if you use a polar compound such as alcohol, of course, water also contained in the raw materials will dissolve into the alcohol and thus require a more complex separation process. But if used non-polar compound so water will not dissolve into it.
There are many types of non-polar organic compounds, but the most commonly used is hexane (C6H14) although you can also use benzene (C6H6) or also petrol / gasoline. There are several criteria in choosing a solvent for extraction of flowers in addition to its non-polar. Among them are its ability to dissolve fragrant substances in the raw material perfectly, has a low boiling point and uniform, are "inert" or do not react with aromatic substances that will be extracted, the lowest price possible and easy to obtain.
The final product using the this type of extraction are of two kinds, namely concrete and absolute. Concrete is an essential oil which is mixed with a wax / resin and the residual solvent. When the extraction process takes place, not only essential oils are dissolved, but also wax / resin come into it. Concrete shaped like a semi-solid fat or butter. While the absolute is a pure essential oil without impurities such as wax / resin and the residual. Absolute is the most expensive price.
There are also other concepts that are not less important, ie vacuum evaporation. Vacuum conditions are defined as conditions under atmospheric pressure (below 1 atm / normal pressure). So the combined meaning is the process of solvent evaporation on the conditions under normal pressure.
Why should a vacuum?
The ultimate goal is to reduce the boiling point of the solvent so that the overall process temperature become low. The lower pressure, so the temperature of process is also lower. For example; hexane at normal pressure (1 atm) has boiling point at 68 Celcius degree, at a pressure of 0.7 atm, its boiling point is 58 Celcius degree, and at a pressure of 0.2 atm, its boiling point 25 Celcius degree. These conditions are expected in the extraction of essential oils from flowers in order to obtain good quality oil. It means the damage caused by essential oils of high temperatures can be avoided. While other purpose vacuum conditions is to assure that the solvent can be separated as much as possible. To maintain the vacuum needed a tool to support the vacuum pump. The most common problem emerging from this method is the stability of vacuum pump performance.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Essential oils as fleas repellent on pets

The uses of essential oil as fleas repellent on pets is possible, because if it can be a healing agent to humans, it can also be a healing agent to the pet. They are good for health and psychology (mood). But you must be very careful if you want to give it for your animals. This is because it should be used based on a strict recipe and we all know that they can not tell what they feel during the treatment. Even when a pet give a particular expression of abnormal behavior to indicate that it was interrupted by a particular infection or disagree with certain treatments, it is still difficult for us to understand the true meaning of such behavior. This is why you should first and foremost seek the advice of your veterinarian before administering essential oil as the fleas repellent for your pet. Your veterinarian, off course, has more experience with their necessities and behavior.
Ticks are very common for animals, for example in cats. They must be treated humanely as humans take care of itself. It has been urged by animal rights advocates in several regions of the world and these regions even through the long journey to make regulations which provide protection to them. Cats are one of a close friend of humans. Therefore, people should take to maintain their health, and particularly a common infection that is often endemic in pets i.e. fleas. As in humans, infection in animals can be lowered their mood, appearance, and also agility. Essential oils has often been considered to be used for the treatment for the infection.
They can be given to our pets without worrying about side effects if they are used properly. They can be used for treating head lice because of lice attack in the area around the neck and legs. Therefore, applying essential oils as fleas repellent around the region will not cause significant problems for the health of pets. Lavender, and peppermint are good for curing head lice are. Another form like eucalyptus, cedar lemongrass (citronella cedar) and lemon can also be considered.
Another possibility is to try a mixture of rosemary, white cedar, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint oil as fleas repellent on pets. However, you must give it to the its neck and let it dry for some time before lacing on the its neck. You should also understand that every case has its own treatment. Therefore, you should get advice from a veterinarian because of what you copied from friends may not apply to your case. And especially, the treatment itself must be understood risks to the health of your animals. It means you must pay more attention on the dosage and how to use it properly. The last thing, it does not restrict the uses of essential oil as fleas repellent, but also are mentally refreshing and relaxing pets just like on a normal human feeling. Always contact your vet before using that treatment.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

How to make essential oils

This post describes how to make essential oils from certain part of aromatic plants. Extraction of essential oils can be done in three ways: (a) distillation, (b) pressing (expression), (c) by using the solvent extraction (solvent extraction), and (d) adsorption by the solid fat (enfleurage). Among the four modes which are widely used by the essential oil industries are the the first and third way.
Distillation is the oldest method of the essential oils production. This method is suitable to produce volatile compounds that are not easily damaged by heat, such as clove oil, patchouli, citronella scented, nutmeg, vetiver and ginger.
Pressing is done by putting pressure on the material using a device called a hydraulic or expeller pressing. Several types that can be separated by pressing are the oil of almond, lemon, orange peel, and other types.
Using solvent extraction is suitable to produce flower oils which is less stable and can be damaged by heat. Solvents which can be used for this purposes, among others, chloroform, alcohol, acetone, ether, and fats. While enfleurage used specifically to separate the oil of flowers, to make essential oils with high quality and oil yield.
Distillation is a process of physical separation of a mixture of two or more products that have different boiling points by first boiling component having a low boiling point separated from the mixture. To simplify that process, the raw materials can be treated firstly (materials handling) by some means such as drying, washing and sliced.
Drying can accelerate the extraction process and improve the quality of the essential oils, but during the drying some of the oil might be lost due to evaporation and oxidation by air. Several types of raw materials do not need to be dried, such as ginger, and other materials that are refined in a fresh condition to prevent loss of aroma which is desired.
Washing is usually done to materials derived from the soil such as fragrant roots, and rhizomes. The goal is to clean the material from dirt, preventing the oil so as not to dirty, and the efficiency of loading of materials in the kettle flute.
Slicing will facilitate the evaporation of essential oils from the material, expand the flute surface properties of materials and reducing the Kamba. In general, slicing performed on the size of 20-30 cm.
In the essential oil industry, it is known about three kinds of distillation methods to make essential oils : (1)distillation with water (water distillation), (2)with water-vapor (water and steam distillation), (3) direct steam distillation.
In the distillation, pressure, temperature, and flow rate depend on how old is the distillery and type of commodity. Old distillery varies from 3-5 hours to citronella scented, 5-8 hours for patchouli and clove oil, 10 - 14 hours to nutmeg oil, and 10-16 hours for vetiver oil depends on the type of raw material (wet / dry ), the use of pressure and temperature. High vapor pressures can cause decomposition of the oil, therefore it is better refining begins with low pressure, then increased gradually until the end of the process.
During the distillation process, vapor condensed and fell to the bottom of the boiler must be removed periodically through the disposal to prevent the porous submerged steam pipes, as this can impede the flow of steam from the boiler to the boiler flute.
In the cooling process, the temperature of cooling water into the tube or the ideal cooling pond about 25-30 degrees C, and the maximum temperature of the water out 40-50 degrees C. Outgoing water temperature can be regulated with the zoom in / out discharge cooling water into the tube / cooling pond.
Separation of oil from the separator tube should "not arrested" (taken with a scoop), because it will cause the oil separated from the water will re-dispersed in water and difficult to separate again, thus resulting in loss (loses).
The result still looks cloudy because small amount of water and dirt are dispersed in oil. They can be separated by filtering the oil using Teflon fabric / silk screening. That separation can also be done by adding a water-binding substances in the form of Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous (Na2SO4) by 1% then stirred and filtered. This is also the important step of process to make essential oils.

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Organic pesticides from essential oils in Indonesia

The demand for organic pesticides or plant-based pesticides as a main component in the control of nuisance organism plant increased directly as the development of organic agriculture with the world market demand of U.S. $ 17.5 billion at the rate of increase in demand of 10-20% per year. In Indonesia, the government since 2002 has been put in motion Go Organic 2010, with the aspiration to make Indonesia as one of the major producers of natural food in the world. Indonesia National Standard which sets out the Organic Food Systems has banned the use of synthetic chemical compounds, but suggest the use of natural pesticides and control mechanically.
There are 2400 species of plants that have a property to be used as organic pesticides in the broad sense. A variety of volatile plant that grows in the land of Indonesia has been known to have the potential to be used for this purpose in the scope of agriculture to control plant bug, including insects, mammals, pathogens cause plant diseases (fungi, bacteria , viruses, nematodes) and weeds. Farming communities in various regions generally have local knowledge in the use of plants around them to be used to protect crops and livestock.
Chinese society has also utilize many kinds of of organic pesticides from essential oils that some of the same kind as the oils found in Indonesia, such as neem and melaleuca.
In addition to use on the farm, organic pesticides can also be used in the household environment. Essential oils of some plants such as lemongrass, neem, lavender and geranium are effective as a mosquito repellent. Citizens in Papua zodia leaf rubbed into their bodies as a mosquito repellent before entering the forest for hunting, collecting forest products or farming.
Besides as a pest repellent, essential oils can also be used as a decoy compound (attractant) for specific bugs in the field. Formula attractants for fruit flies (Bactocera hector) is made and basil oil and melaleuca has been widely used by horticultural farmers in the country as the organic pesticides to control fruit flies in the star fruit, guava, red peppers, apples, jackfruit, papaya, mango, melon, and tomatoes.
In the environment around the settlements, some volatile plant can be grown and placed in such a way in the yard or indoors. Some of the plants mentioned are: Meulaleuca, Basil, Mimba, Seraiwang, Nilam and Zodia. Future research is needed to study this potential so it can be utilized optimally with due respect to effectiveness, efficiency, security and aesthetics.
Essential oils of clove, neem, and citronella plant are the raw material of organic pesticides with the multipurpose broad use or because it can serve as an organic pesticides, insecticide, fungicide, bactericide and anti-virus. Extracts of clove, lemongrass, and turmeric reported to be effective to kill golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) with mortality reaching 100 percent. Extracts of the plant cloves, jeringau and piretrum also proved effective as an organic pesticides to pepper pests (Dasynus piperis, Diconocoris hewetti, Aphis craccivora, A. gossypii, Ferrisia virgata) and mosquitoes (Culex sp.) Researchers at IMACRI, Indonesia has also produced repellents "Mimba" and "Namus" made and neem oil and lemongrass. Has also produced anti-mosquito liquid fuels "Naumi" which comprises raw materials and kitchen lemon grass, patchouli, clove, cinnamon, lemongrass and nutmeg scent. This product is a fragrant scent, safe and suitable for use indoors. Formula attractants for fruit flies (Bractocera hector) is made from basil oil, neem and zodia (ATLABU) has been widely used by horticultural farmers in the country as an organic pesticides to control fruit flies in the star fruit, guava, red peppers, apples, jackfruit, papaya, mangoes, melons, and tomatoes.

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Essential oils aromatherapy tips

Essential oils aromatherapy can be used for therapeutic purposes. They are natural plant extracts obtained through steam distillation or chemical extraction. They are usually presented in the form of pure and natural so it is generally safe to use it for aromatherapy. However, there are some cases when the natural ingredients can cause adverse effects or allergic reactions. Always remember that you only need to use a small amount of them. You have to dilute it with carrier oil before use.
Here are some useful tips for essential oils aromatherapy:
First tips, before using them for therapeutic purposes, be sure to consult with an experienced experts. This is important especially for people with certain medical conditions experienced by either current or past. There are certain medical conditions which the use of essential oils aromatherapy can actually aggravate a particular disease or health condition.
Second tips, do some research before using it. Research can be done by reading books or searching for information on the internet.
Third tips, there are several of them that can enhance or counteract the effects of certain drugs. So, when using essential oils aromatherapy, be sure to choose the kind that can help medical treatment, rather than vice versa.
Fourth tips, volatile compounds are usually sold in high concentrations or concentrated, therefore they are very powerful. In most cases, you need to dilute it with carrier or vegetable oil before use. Some of the recommended carrier oil include almond, olive, apricot kernel, hazelnut, jojoba, coconut, palm, and avocado oil. Each kind of volatile compounds has different suitability with the certain carrier oil.
Fifth, avoid contact with eyes, because it can irritate the eyes. Avoid touching eyes with hands that may have used it. Most of the volatile compounds provide a sense of hot or warm to the skin even spicy in the mouth. You can imagine what will happen if the compounds are touching your eyes.
Sixth, keep it out of reach of children. Children have a great curiosity and therefore they do not know the dangers. They want to know the taste of the objects around them by touching it by hand, smell, even taste it.
Seventh, if you are pregnant or nursing, consult a physician before using essential oils aromatherapy. It can cause negative effects to the unborn fetus. However, midwives are known to give oil of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) to women during and after childbirth to reduce pain.
Some of them are not recommended during pregnancy is jasmine, myrrh, and ylang-ylang.
Eighth, many volatile compounds are not suitable for infants and children under the age of 12. Before use in infants and young children dilute it 2 to 4 times more dilute than those used for adults.
Ninth, it can cause dermatitis and sensitization, especially when used repeatedly. Use only a small amount of them at a time.
Tenth, when choosing it, always check the names of the Latin or botanical to make sure you use the proper one. They may have the same common name but can have different functions. Some of them that have more than one common name.
Knowing these precautions as essential oils aromatherapy tips can help you avoid a mistake.

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the Benefits of ginger

Research on benefits of ginger had been conducted by Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) of Indonesia , through the institutions of "Pusat Studi Biofarmaka " (Center of Biopharmacy Study). It is found that there are many benefits of ginger for health. This spice even became one of the ingredients for traditional herbal beverage. According to Prof. Dr. Ir Latifah K Darusman, Head of Center of Biopharmacy Study, IPB , it is a medicinal plant which has been known for a long time and widely used.
Developments of ginger benefits research in Indonesia
Research related to the advantages of ginger indeed many are already doing it. However, through the Pusat Studi Biofarmaka IPB try to do those on a segment that has not been touched by the segment of aquaculture: the market potential and quality control of its simplicia. However several researches of the efficacy of its antioxidant properties and its product formulation also performed. Some of them are related to the health benefits of ginger has been done by the Pusat Studi Biofarmaka, making standard operating procedures for its cultivation, with a cultivation system based bioactive materials as excellence. Development of analytical techniques for quality control its simplicia also performed, namely the determination of quality test directly from the simplicia. Assessment strategies for supporting this rhizome as a commodity exports are also being conducted. The researches are carried out either independently or in collaboration with other agencies such as the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration of Indonesia.
Is there any harmful substance in this herb?
No harmful effects that will be posed by its chemical components for use in accordance with the recommendation. But that must be considered is the presence of other chemicals (eg aflatoxin) contamination in its simplicia caused by Aspergillus sp.
Benefits of ginger for health?
It is one of the most common herbs used for medicinal components. Pusat Studi Biofarmaka IPB in collaboration with Oxford Natural Products has conducted an inventory of drugs study used medicinal plants for nine types of diseases. The study results showed that it was recorded as a component of herbal medicine for 7 types of disease and is the most common herbs used for herbal medicine is efficacious as a pain reliever and digestive tract disorders relievers.
In preclininic research, both in vitro and in vivo, it have wide potential as antimicrobe, antifungal, antihelmintic , anti-inflammatory, antitumor, immunomodulatory nature, antilipidemic, analgesics, and have a protective effect on the digestive tract. While in clinically, the most obvious benefits is to relieve symptoms of nausea in pregnant women. For the other benefits of ginger such as preventing nausea after surgery, preventing drunk because of travel, and pain due to osteoarthritis, in clinical studies to date are quite effective but still must be confirmed by further studies.
This rhizome is still save a lot of opportunities to be developed by the researchers. The availability of this rhizome, especially in tropical countries like Indonesia and Nigeria, strongly supports such efforts. Some researchers in Indonesia has even explored the use of the extract in the manufacture of packaging materials. The results showed that the addition of the extract to the packaging material could inhibit the degradation of fat in packaged food.

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Healthy beverage from garbage?

The history of Java healthy beverage in Indonesia records many types of traditional beverage recipes. "Wedang uwuh" that is now in vogue many people is just one of them. Although in Javanese language it means “garbage drink”, but it is capable for refreshing our body. Its taste is also so unique.
There are many kinds of healthy beverage in a tradition of Javanese society. There are wedang jahe (ginger drink), ronde, secang, and so on. In addition to warm the body, some of those are able to relieve cough and increase human endurance.
That is now in vogue many people, especially people living in the area of Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta (one of famous province in Indonesia ) and surrounding areas is wedang uwuh. Popularity of this healthy beverage was also already penetrated the capital and several other big cities in Indonesia. Not a few people brought "wedang uwuh" as a gifts that is ready to brew, after a trip to Yogyakarta.
Wedang uwuh lower cholesterol?
“Uwuh” in Javanese language means trash or garbage. Nicknamed “uwuh” because when its raw material mixed, it looks like a garbage. Various types of herbs to be content of this healthy beverage include ginger, shavings of sappanwood, shavings of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg leaf. Sometimes the stem of lemongrass or lime leaves are added as well. Finally, rock sugar or palm sugar is used as a sweetener.
Judging from basic ingredients, wedang uwuh has benefits for health. Ginger, through several research, proved beneficial for blood circulation. Ginger is an anticoagulant (blood anticoagulant) greater than garlic or onion. Ginger is also capable of lowering cholesterol levels because ginger contain essential oil that reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and liver. Research conducted by experts in Japan shows, ginger can lower high blood pressure by reducing peripheral blood flow rate.
Cinnamon essential oil has antioxidant properties and make the traditional healthy beverage is much more enjoyable. Many herbalists believe that the mixture of ginger and cinnamon are believed to increase our body protection because of its high antioxidant content.
Briefly, a long time ago the Javanese have recognized this trash drink as a good drink for the human body through the experience that they pass on to their descendants, rather than through systematic research. But, ultimately, their knowledge is now slowly beginning to prove its truth.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tips about ginger for health optimally

Among the many types of plants, nothing provides advantages more than benefits of ginger for health. There are many reports about its benefit. It is more than just herbs, because it proved efficacious repel a variety of diseases. Even NASA, had been interested in researching the efficacy of this spice to overcome the drunken crew.
In China, its dried form has been used as a raw material for medicine by a physician who lived during the time of Emperor Shen Nong, who lived 2000 years BC. In China also found two books on medicine who first discussed the properties of the fresh ginger for health in the year 500 AD. Discussion of its efficacy are also written in Anglo-Saxon medical books published in the 11th century. Two centuries later, this is the spice of the kitchen which is very popular in the UK, after the black pepper. Its price is very expensive, to gain 1 pound (about half of a kilogram) of this rhizome, people need to spend money equivalent for a sheep.
Here are several tips about ginger uses for health based on information from the Center of Biopharmacy Study IPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute), Indonesia.
Tips #1:What ingredients are allowed or prohibited mixed with ginger?
Several studies indicate that the use of appropriate clinical doses, they did not interact with other medications.
Tips #2: It should be taken after meals or before meals?
Associated with its content of bioactive compounds that have the ability to heal wounds in the stomach, so it should be taken before meals.
Tips #3: How to process/ cook it so well that the content of efficacious substances will not change?
Bioactive substances contained in this spice (eg zingiberene or its essential oil) is a thermolabile compound. For that processing that uses excess heat that ought to be avoided. However, in an aqueous solution, these substances can last up to a temperature of 100 degrees celcius.
Tips #4: How about ginger consumption frequency?Is it dangerous when it is consumed every day?
The use of its powder orally at levels of 2 grams per day (in one dose or divided into several times) allowed in the long period.
Tips #5: Is there any contradiction when it is consumed by people with ulcers, because there is substance in ginger as opposed to gastric acid?
There is no information related about its contradiction at the recommended dosage for this. Only one study conducted by researchers from India shows that the use of its powder at doses of 6 grams per day can cause stomach irritation.

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Tips for Bath Aromatherapy Using Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is the ideal way to relax, relieve stress, anxiety, and relieve muscle pain. While using a hot water is generally a favorite of women, now more and more women are enjoying this treatment. Here are tips for using essential oils for bath aromatherapy .
1. The key so you can reach the maximum benefit is to select the types and essential oils blend which is appropriate.
2. To start it, just add a few drops of them into the solvent (carrier oil), i.e. almond.
3. Add this solution into the water, mixed with a thoroughly before you use it for bathing.
4. There are many different recipes that you can use, depending on what kind of benefits you want to accomplish.
5. Good choice for this relaxing activity including rose, neroli, jasmine, ylang ylang, and sandalwood.
6. If you want to create a mood of calm and relax after a tired day of work, consider options such as chamomile or lavender.
7. This kind of therapy is also a great way to help children relax after a day of activities, because it will make them sleep more soundly at night.
8. Warm bath with chamomile and lavender would be a good choice for children.
9. To prevent unwanted problems, always make sure to use essential oils that do not make your allergies.
10. If you are not sure about allergic reactions that may arise, you can talk with an expert to be sure.
11. In addition, there are some types that should be avoided or should not be used for this activity. These essential oils include cinnamon, black pepper, clove, thyme, nutmeg, basil, and oregano.
12. This aromatherapy is ideal if it is done after your body clean.
If you want to soothe your tired body, pamper yourself, or share a romantic evening with your partner, aromatherapy bath can be an ideal choice.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Export and Import Trend of Essential Oil Indonesia

The essential oil is the exports commodity of Indonesia and Indonesia is one of the major manufacturers, especially patchouli, nutmeg, vetiver, clove leaf and citronella oil. Export destinations include Europe, America, Australia, Africa, China, India, and ASEAN. However, their export to the international market is still largely in the form of semi-finished products. To meet the needs of the food industry, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, Indonesia is still importing derived products or essential oils that have been "purified".
Indonesia trade statistics show volatile oil exports in 2007 reached U.S.$ 101.14 million, with 20 kinds. In the same year, Indonesia import of essential oils, its derivatives, and perfume products worth 381.9 million U.S.$.
What about essential oil prices?
Its price greatly influenced by the development of downstream industries are essential oils made from raw industrial perfumes, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, food and beverage industry. Therefore the need for importing countries is highly dependent on the magnitude of the needs of these industries, both industries in Indonesia and abroad. The dynamics of the downstream sector will give effect to the formation of volatile oil value.
The essential oils use in the downstream products require a high degree of purity, because the doses used in certain specific purpose with strict requirements. For example its use in aromatherapy products that can be encountered in salons and spas. In large industries, the use of products such as food, perfume, cosmetics, toiletries, raw materials used come from the its derivatives such as eugenol (from clove oil), methyl ketone cedryl (from cedarwood oil), vetiveryl acetate (from vetiver oil ), etc..
In some commodities, trade in essential oils are not only based on the workings of the fundamental aspects of global supply, but there are also non-fundamental aspects, such as market sentiment. Market sentiment and attitude is a product of all market participants ranging from farmers, middlemen, exporters, importers, speculators (fund managers) and the end users (end users) themselves. Therefore, the risk factors remain to be faced by exporters in deciding on policy sales.
Behavior of essential oil prices on world markets each year shows the pattern of change is divided into three categories, that is likely to decrease, relatively stable, tend to rise or fluctuate. It tend to rise developments indicate there is still a bright market prospect. At the level of refiners in the domestic market, from early 2009 until May 2009, Indonesia volatile oil value trend is still fairly stable.
Some of the Indonesia essential commodities prices tend to be stable each year, meaning not too sharp fluctuations in commodities such as oil of clove leaf and vetiver oil. Clove leaf oil has experienced the lowest, which is about 3.2 U.S. $ in 1998, slowly began to rise until in 2001 the level of U.S. $ 6. The next year has decreased to the level of U.S. $ 3.5 and started to climb back up in 2007 again reached 6 - 6.5 U.S. $.
Commodities essential oils that have a very great fluctuations are patchouli oil. In 1997, patchouli oil was valued settled down to reach 150 U.S. $, but the following year (1998) declined rapidly to the level below 20 U.S. $. Economic crisis in Indonesia at that time was one reason. In the year 1998 - 2006, patchouli oil prices can be said to be stable in range of 20-60 U.S. $.
In 2007, a combination of unfavorable weather and patchouli oil prices are not attractive in 2006 than any other agricultural commodities as well as the emergence of various plant diseases caused a sharp decline in production is estimated that nearly half of the normal situation. This situation causes the value shot up to reach 150 USD $. In the year 1997 - 2002, vetiver oil prices fairly stable price level 25 0-55 U.S. $, subsequently increased to reach 85 U.S. $ in 2007.

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Domestic trade of Essential Oil in Indonesia

Essential oil trade in Indonesia is mostly in the form of crude oils which is almost entirely produced by farmers or industry of small scattered areas of production centers. Its market is relatively long, originated from peasant producers and end on exporters, with variations.
Exporter / manufacturing industry as an actor in the chain end of the essential oil trade in Indonesia obtained through a broker. Among the brokers are also "agents" or representatives of exporters and others are free. Middlemen buy the oils stemming from traders in the producing regions. Traders generally provide capital or advances to farmers / distillers so that the oil produced by the farmer / distiller must be sold to collectors at a price specified by the buyer / collector based on the quality of the assessed unilaterally by the buyer are subjective (organoleptic), not based on levels or content of specific compounds in the products. That is, the good oil priced the same or less. This is what is causing refiners to mixing good oil with low-quality oil even oil refiners are reluctant to produce good oil.
Manufacture of essential oils consist of a series of productive activities that are connected between the activity values with each other to form the industry value chain. Value chain is also a link in a business activity from plant raw materials to industrial consumers, the perfume industry, cosmetics, toiletries, and food.
Food industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products market in Indonesia is an essential oil derivatives. Huge market potential is still untapped, because of the industry that processes crude oils into derivative products is still very limited. Needs derived products needed by the food industry, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics obtained through imports.
Essential oil trade in Indonesia was faced with two major problems: low quality and the prices fluctuate, especially in the major export commodities of patchouli and vetiver. The low grade is an accumulation of volatile plant quality raw materials which is low and not uniform, use of equipment and process technologies that refiners have not been standardized, and the lack of price incentives for good-quality oils. Plant raw material prices are determined by the movement of fuel prices at the refinery, not by production costs. All business actors (farmers, refiners and exporters) then receive the same risk of loss due to the problem.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jasmine oil

Jasmine oil is produced mostly in France and it is mainly produced for perfumes. There are two kinds of cultivated varieties: J. officinale L; and J. L. officinale grandiflorum var.
The flowers after they are picked to live in physiological and producing essential oils. Production of essential oils is discontinued when they have died and rotted. So, in order to get the essential oil, it is carried out by extraction using enfleurage system (cold fat). In this way, the yield is quite high and a high level of fragrance, but its production cost is quite expensive, so it is rarely used. Another way of jasmine oil production is using the extraction solvent evaporated (solvent extraction) to make it.
The fresh oil is reddish brown, and has a distinctive smell. The absolute is sticky, clear, yellow brown and has a fragrant odor. If this absolute adsorbs the air, it will change oil smells, more viscous, and eventually form a resin.
It is generally used as fragrance substances of high class perfume. This oil is usually exported to Singapore, Australia, Europe, Middle East, India, China, and Thailand. Jasmine oil export volume has decreased drastically in 2005 compared to the previous year.
On the other hand, when it needs the natural oils including its flowers for the purposes of the cosmetics industry, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, soaps, herbal industry, and aroma therapy are still very high. Especially for the purposes of aromatherapy as part of fitness care, it has a very important role. According to the Herbal Encyclopedia, its scent is capable of causing a relaxing effect, eliminates the tension of mind / depression, and gives the impression of calm (calm). Because the efficacy of this, perhaps Indonesian ancestors used it as a bride flower .
Several types of the this oil products are:
a) special jasmine oil>, the oil extracted from its flowers with petroleum ether solvent, as raw materials of high quality fragrance oils.
b) jasmine oil, ie oil extracted from its flowers with a benzole solvent, as raw material for perfume medium quality.
c) special pomade Oil, which is the oil obtained by techniques enfleurage,
d) pomade Oil, the oil extracted from its flowers using enfleurage, as technical deodorizer.

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Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil obtained from Cinnamomum zeylanicum Ness called Cinnamon oils, while derived from Cinnamomum cassia called Cassia oil. Cinnamon oil is used as a flavouring agent in the manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics, and soaps.
Its export volumes are relatively small. BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia) mentioned that at period of 2000 - 2003, its export volume is quite large in 2000 which amounted to 14,400 tons, but declined rapidly in subsequent years, only up to 100 tons / year.
Addition of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon into the dish, can inhibit the rise in blood sugar levels than people who do not consume it. Thus the findings of experts in this oil which is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "It improve insulin sensitivity, thereby allowing a person to use more glucose in the blood and keep blood sugar levels remain stable," said research team leader, Joanna Hlebowicz PhD. Addition of this spice into a dish that contains carbohydrates or starch may also stabilize blood sugar after meals. Stable blood sugar levels will minimize fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and for people with diabetes it means reducing their insulin requirements.
Its trees is one of the typical crops grown in Indonesia and many mountainous areas, such as Kerinci in Jambi Province. From this plant which can be commercialized especially is its bark (cassiavera) as the main source of cinnamon oil. This product has a distinctive aroma and flavor that is classified into exotic spices from the east (oriental flavor). It can be further processed into dried product in the form of sheets or bars (sticks), powders, or extracts (cinnamon oil or oleoresin). These products are usually exported in the form of dry sheets or bars to multiple destinations including the European Union and the United States.
From the research in ITS, Indonesia by Indah Ratri Puspaningsih about distillation of this essential oil, obtained conclusions: The longer the time of distillation of cinnamon oil obtained yield more and more. The smaller the size of the material to be distilled, then the yield produced is more and more. The oil from the bark obtained at most eight hours, with material size> 50 mesh and material capacity of 800 grams. Volume of the essential oil produced from the bark during the 8-hour experiment with material size> 50 mesh and the material capacity of 800 grams is 8 ml. The oil produced has: density: 0.899 gr/cm3 acid value: 2.8, water content: 1.976%; oil content: 1%.

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Fennel Oil

Fennel oil, also called minyak adas in Indonesia, produced from the fennel plant. Varieties that produce this oil consists of two sub-species, namely Var. Vulgare (Miller) Thelling (wild and bitter) and Var. Dulce (Miller) Thelling (intensive cultivation and sweet). It is commercially produced by distillation of its fruit (seeds) using steam distillation system. Its yield is approximately 1-6%. Distillation to make this essential oil should be done immediately after grain harvest. During the process of distillation of fennel oil, the condenser temperature should be kept rather high, to prevent freezing of the oil in the condenser tubes.
The main components found in fennel oil such as anthole, fenchone, and estragole. The presence of these components in that essential oil depending on the varieties. It is known as one component of Telon oil. Telon oil is a famous oils in Indonesia used to warm baby’s body (but not too hot).
Fennel essential oils are the most important of the Dulce variety contain anethol (50-80%), limonene (5%), fenchone (5%), estragole (methyl-chavicol), safrol, alpha-pinene (0.5%), camphene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene and p-cymen. Vulgare varieties are not used to be cultivated, because although it sometimes contain more oil, but this kind of fennel oil is characterized by a bitter fenchone (12-22%) so that it is cheaper than the other one from varieties of Dulce.
The content of fennel oil issued anethol causing a distinctive aroma and nutritious carminative. The roots contain bergaptene. Roots and seeds contain stigmasterine (serposterine). Pharmacological Effects and Outcomes Research: 1. Active components, anisaldehide, improving efficacy streptomycin for the treatment of tuberculosis in mice. 2. Improve the digestive tract and stimulate peristalsis expenditure fart (flatus). 3. Eliminate cold and phlegm. 4. It containing anethol, fenchone, chavicol, and efficacious anisaldehide soothing the digestive tract and works like a stimulant appetite. 5. From one study in adult humans, it is found that this oil has devastating effects of kidney stones. 6. In animal experiments, extracts of its leaf decoction can lower blood pressure. However, other ways of fennel oil processing do not show these properties.
Local Name
Hades (Sunda), adas, adas londa, adas landi (Jawa),; Adhas (Madura), adas (Bali), wala wunga (Sumba).; Das pedas (Aceh), adas, adas pedas (melayu).; Adeh, manih (Minangkabau). paapang, paampas (Menado).; Popoas (Alfuru), denggu-denggu (Gorontalo), ; Papaato (Buol), porotomo (Baree). kumpasi (Sangir Talaud).; Adasa, rempasu (Makasar), adase (Bugis).; Hsiao hui (China), phong karee, mellet karee (Thailand),; Jintan Manis (Malaysia). barisaunf, madhurika (Ind./Pak.).; fenkel, spigel.

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