Showing posts with label Essential oil components. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essential oil components. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Composition of Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil and Its Benefits

People in Indonesia have long recognized Cinnamomum burmanii, commonly known as cinnamon, as a medicinal plant, flavor enhancer, and fragrance ingredient. One of the commercial forms of cinnamon is the essential oil. The parts (aside from the cinnamon bark) that contain essential oil are leaves in cinnamon plants.
The bark contains approximately 1-2% essential oil, with cinnamaldehyde as the main constituent (70-80%), while the leaves contain around 0.5-0.7% essential oil, primarily composed of eugenol (70-95%) and cinnamyl acetate (3-4%).
Research conducted in Indonesia has demonstrated the significant role of cinnamon leaf oil as a mosquito repellent and its efficacy against dengue fever mosquitoes. This effect is attributed to the compounds found in the cinnamon leaf essential oil, namely cinnamyl acetate and eugenol. Furthermore, eugenol in cinnamon leaf oil has been found to have Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI) effects, acting as an antidepressant, as suggested by a study conducted in Indonesia.

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Friday, July 7, 2023

Unlocking the Secrets Behind the Distinct Taste and Aroma of Cinnamon Bark

Cinnamon, with its alluring taste and aroma, is a beloved spice cherished for its ability to enhance a wide range of dishes. The captivating flavor and scent that define cinnamon bark can be attributed to its unique chemical composition. In this article, we delve into the key compounds found in cinnamon bark—cinnamaldehyde and eugenol—and explore their profound impact on taste perception. We also examine the correlation between the concentration of cinnamon bark extract and the levels of these compounds, which can significantly influence the flavor profile and potentially result in a bitter and astringent taste.
Cinnamon bark's chemical composition holds the key to its distinct taste and aroma. Cinnamaldehyde and eugenol are the primary compounds that contribute to this plant's signature characteristics. Cinnamaldehyde provides a warm, spicy, and subtly sweet taste, while eugenol imparts a pungent, clove-like aroma that enhances the overall sensory experience.
The influence of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol on taste is particularly pronounced in beverages. Cinnamaldehyde intensifies the richness and spiciness of the flavor, with its impact becoming more pronounced as the concentration of cinnamon bark extract rises. However, it is important to note that excessively high levels of cinnamaldehyde can lead to a bitter and astringent taste. Similarly, eugenol contributes a desirable aroma, but excessive amounts can overwhelm the flavor profile of a product.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cinnamaldehyde, major component of cinnamon bark essential oil

Cinnamon bark have spicy, sweet, and woody aroma. It is widely used as a flavoring agent in many foods. In Indonesia, people use it as important ingredient for "kolak", a type of dessert or an appetizer that is often served during iftar, made from coconut milk and banana. It gives a delicious aroma. So what exactly is the major component of cinnamon bark essential oil and what is its impact on the aroma? As in other Southeast Asian countries, such as the form of raw cinnamon bark, is more widely used in traditional Indonesian food , rather than the form of essential oil. This plant has been cultivated as a commercial crop in this country since the occupation period of the Dutch East Indies. Even the major export is in the form of dried cinnamon bark (95 %), the rest is powder. Depending on the type of raw material, it shows distinctly different characteristics. It has a major component that gives a distinctive character. The major component of cinnamon bark essential oil is cinnamaldehyde. Beside that, it contains α - pinene, α - phellandrene, β - phellandrene, (E)- caryophillene, (E)-cinnamyl acetate, benzaldehyde, coumarin, linalool, safrole, 1,8-cineole and sometimes eugenol in varying amounts. Cinnamaldehyde gives pungent aroma and flavor to cinnamon bark essential oil. Therefore, the product of Cinnamomum cassia varieties, which showed high cinnamaldehyde content, has a pungent aroma, so that these varieties are used as raw materials of drugs. While the essential oil of Cinnamomum zeylanicum has a soft flavor because of its low cinnamaldehyde levels. In foods, the major component of cinnamon bark essential oil may act as antioxidant and antimicrobial agent.

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