Monday, August 27, 2012

Galangal essential oil

Galangal essential oil have not been widely produced and studied. Though it has many benefits. During this time, the rhizome of the Alpinia galanga Linn plant used for seasoning of many typical dishes from Asia. In Indonesia, it is known as the "laos" and shredded, crushed or even cut as part of a flavor mash to cook dishes, such as tofu and tempeh or to fry chicken or for chili ingredient. In addition, it is also often ground to treat a variety of diseases that attack the human skin, especially tinea versicolor.
There are three types: the greater, lesser, and kaemferia galangal. In fresh form, it is generally aromatic, spicy, pepery, ginger-like, pungent, and has a slightly sour note. The greater and lesser type yield 0.5% to 1.5% essential oil, with eugenol, methyl cinnamate, and cineole as major compounds. Galangol and galangin is also found. The volatile compounds lately attracted the attention of the world, because it is biologically active as an antibacterial and antifungal properties that can be used as a preservative in foods and as a natural antibiotic. The volatile compounds change the way of its application, for example in the case of treatment or curing, to be more practical and easier. If we need one whole roots for a healing therapy, then we can use as much as one drop of its extract form.
Galangal essential oil can be produced by the method of steam distillation. Rhizomes that have been cut into pieces, put in a steamer of distillation apparatus gradually. Cormorant coupled with cooler (condenser), then reheated. Water flow into the condenser and it should be maintained so that it continues to flow. Condenser temperature can be kept cold by adding ice, so that all components that evaporate condensed and not loss into the air. Distillate obtained is a mixture of water and extract and then divided in a separating funnel. For complete separation, distillate is added by sodium chloride (NaCl) in order to remove emulsified components. Water phase is processed again because it still contains small amount of emulsified products. This work is repeated until all the product separated. Galangal essential oil obtained may still be contaminated with a little water, then it is processed further through purification with anhydrous calcium chloride and decanted.
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