Sunday, August 21, 2011

Essential oil recipe to heal diarrhea

Essential oil recipe traditionally had been found to generate the power to heal diarrhea. Research shows that the oxygen molecules in that essential oil react with water in human body to create heat that kills microbes or germs by dehydrating them. In 1992, Pakistan Pharmaceutical journal contains research results prove that certain essential oils killing more V. Cholera and E. coli bacteria strain (which causing that disease) compared with antibiotics such as Ampicillin and Tetracillin.
Partawa and Dewi research published in Jurnal Kimia/ Indonesia Journal of Chemistry (2008) 2 (2), showed that assay results of the essential oil of Alpinia galanga L. (galangal/ greater galangal/ Thai galangal/ blue ginger/ Thai ginger/ Langkwas/ Lengkuas/ galangal root) to the bacteria E. coli at a concentration of 100 ppm and 1000 ppm, indicating its good resistance to that bacteria.
This disease may occur for various reasons, partly because the food factor, nerve, and microbes. Of all these causes, the most important thing is to drink plenty of water, then rub a solution of the recipe (bellow) in vegetable oil on the entire surface of the abdomen.
a. Essential oil recipe to heal diarrhea caused by dietary factors
Use the ointment with the following solution:
Oil of chamomile (2 drops), peppermint (3), and eucalyptus (1)
Dissolve them in 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, then rub the whole surface of the stomach.
b. Neural factors
For curing diarrhea caused by nerves, use the ointment with the following solution:
Oil of chamomile (1 drop), eucalyptus (2), and lavender (3).
c. Microbial Factor
To cure diarrhea caused by microbial, use the ointment with the following solution:
Oil of thyme (3 drops), lavender (2), and tea tree (1)
Oral medications
In order to get rid of the diarrhea caused by neurological disorders and food, use 1 drop of peppermint oil, whereas in the case caused by microbes, use of eucalyptus oil. The oil is dissolved in 1 tablespoon of honey, then drink. Diarrhea treatment with aromatherapy is only as a complementary treatment, so the patients should see a doctor if the symptoms have not disappeared or diminished.
It appears that some of them it is still difficult to find at an affordable price. To overcome this, that products which are difficult to obtain should not be used or can be replaced with the others which are easily available and have the same efficacy. For example, chamomile oil can be replaced with fennel oil or ginger oil. Although it is less beneficial, but this is the best possible way for modify essential oil recipe to heal diarrhea. It's important to consult your doctor before using that recipe since everybody has different physical condition.

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