Monday, July 11, 2011

Export and Import Trend of Essential Oil Indonesia

The essential oil is the exports commodity of Indonesia and Indonesia is one of the major manufacturers, especially patchouli, nutmeg, vetiver, clove leaf and citronella oil. Export destinations include Europe, America, Australia, Africa, China, India, and ASEAN. However, their export to the international market is still largely in the form of semi-finished products. To meet the needs of the food industry, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, Indonesia is still importing derived products or essential oils that have been "purified".
Indonesia trade statistics show volatile oil exports in 2007 reached U.S.$ 101.14 million, with 20 kinds. In the same year, Indonesia import of essential oils, its derivatives, and perfume products worth 381.9 million U.S.$.
What about essential oil prices?
Its price greatly influenced by the development of downstream industries are essential oils made from raw industrial perfumes, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, food and beverage industry. Therefore the need for importing countries is highly dependent on the magnitude of the needs of these industries, both industries in Indonesia and abroad. The dynamics of the downstream sector will give effect to the formation of volatile oil value.
The essential oils use in the downstream products require a high degree of purity, because the doses used in certain specific purpose with strict requirements. For example its use in aromatherapy products that can be encountered in salons and spas. In large industries, the use of products such as food, perfume, cosmetics, toiletries, raw materials used come from the its derivatives such as eugenol (from clove oil), methyl ketone cedryl (from cedarwood oil), vetiveryl acetate (from vetiver oil ), etc..
In some commodities, trade in essential oils are not only based on the workings of the fundamental aspects of global supply, but there are also non-fundamental aspects, such as market sentiment. Market sentiment and attitude is a product of all market participants ranging from farmers, middlemen, exporters, importers, speculators (fund managers) and the end users (end users) themselves. Therefore, the risk factors remain to be faced by exporters in deciding on policy sales.
Behavior of essential oil prices on world markets each year shows the pattern of change is divided into three categories, that is likely to decrease, relatively stable, tend to rise or fluctuate. It tend to rise developments indicate there is still a bright market prospect. At the level of refiners in the domestic market, from early 2009 until May 2009, Indonesia volatile oil value trend is still fairly stable.
Some of the Indonesia essential commodities prices tend to be stable each year, meaning not too sharp fluctuations in commodities such as oil of clove leaf and vetiver oil. Clove leaf oil has experienced the lowest, which is about 3.2 U.S. $ in 1998, slowly began to rise until in 2001 the level of U.S. $ 6. The next year has decreased to the level of U.S. $ 3.5 and started to climb back up in 2007 again reached 6 - 6.5 U.S. $.
Commodities essential oils that have a very great fluctuations are patchouli oil. In 1997, patchouli oil was valued settled down to reach 150 U.S. $, but the following year (1998) declined rapidly to the level below 20 U.S. $. Economic crisis in Indonesia at that time was one reason. In the year 1998 - 2006, patchouli oil prices can be said to be stable in range of 20-60 U.S. $.
In 2007, a combination of unfavorable weather and patchouli oil prices are not attractive in 2006 than any other agricultural commodities as well as the emergence of various plant diseases caused a sharp decline in production is estimated that nearly half of the normal situation. This situation causes the value shot up to reach 150 USD $. In the year 1997 - 2002, vetiver oil prices fairly stable price level 25 0-55 U.S. $, subsequently increased to reach 85 U.S. $ in 2007.

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Domestic trade of Essential Oil in Indonesia

Essential oil trade in Indonesia is mostly in the form of crude oils which is almost entirely produced by farmers or industry of small scattered areas of production centers. Its market is relatively long, originated from peasant producers and end on exporters, with variations.
Exporter / manufacturing industry as an actor in the chain end of the essential oil trade in Indonesia obtained through a broker. Among the brokers are also "agents" or representatives of exporters and others are free. Middlemen buy the oils stemming from traders in the producing regions. Traders generally provide capital or advances to farmers / distillers so that the oil produced by the farmer / distiller must be sold to collectors at a price specified by the buyer / collector based on the quality of the assessed unilaterally by the buyer are subjective (organoleptic), not based on levels or content of specific compounds in the products. That is, the good oil priced the same or less. This is what is causing refiners to mixing good oil with low-quality oil even oil refiners are reluctant to produce good oil.
Manufacture of essential oils consist of a series of productive activities that are connected between the activity values with each other to form the industry value chain. Value chain is also a link in a business activity from plant raw materials to industrial consumers, the perfume industry, cosmetics, toiletries, and food.
Food industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products market in Indonesia is an essential oil derivatives. Huge market potential is still untapped, because of the industry that processes crude oils into derivative products is still very limited. Needs derived products needed by the food industry, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics obtained through imports.
Essential oil trade in Indonesia was faced with two major problems: low quality and the prices fluctuate, especially in the major export commodities of patchouli and vetiver. The low grade is an accumulation of volatile plant quality raw materials which is low and not uniform, use of equipment and process technologies that refiners have not been standardized, and the lack of price incentives for good-quality oils. Plant raw material prices are determined by the movement of fuel prices at the refinery, not by production costs. All business actors (farmers, refiners and exporters) then receive the same risk of loss due to the problem.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jasmine oil

Jasmine oil is produced mostly in France and it is mainly produced for perfumes. There are two kinds of cultivated varieties: J. officinale L; and J. L. officinale grandiflorum var.
The flowers after they are picked to live in physiological and producing essential oils. Production of essential oils is discontinued when they have died and rotted. So, in order to get the essential oil, it is carried out by extraction using enfleurage system (cold fat). In this way, the yield is quite high and a high level of fragrance, but its production cost is quite expensive, so it is rarely used. Another way of jasmine oil production is using the extraction solvent evaporated (solvent extraction) to make it.
The fresh oil is reddish brown, and has a distinctive smell. The absolute is sticky, clear, yellow brown and has a fragrant odor. If this absolute adsorbs the air, it will change oil smells, more viscous, and eventually form a resin.
It is generally used as fragrance substances of high class perfume. This oil is usually exported to Singapore, Australia, Europe, Middle East, India, China, and Thailand. Jasmine oil export volume has decreased drastically in 2005 compared to the previous year.
On the other hand, when it needs the natural oils including its flowers for the purposes of the cosmetics industry, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, soaps, herbal industry, and aroma therapy are still very high. Especially for the purposes of aromatherapy as part of fitness care, it has a very important role. According to the Herbal Encyclopedia, its scent is capable of causing a relaxing effect, eliminates the tension of mind / depression, and gives the impression of calm (calm). Because the efficacy of this, perhaps Indonesian ancestors used it as a bride flower .
Several types of the this oil products are:
a) special jasmine oil>, the oil extracted from its flowers with petroleum ether solvent, as raw materials of high quality fragrance oils.
b) jasmine oil, ie oil extracted from its flowers with a benzole solvent, as raw material for perfume medium quality.
c) special pomade Oil, which is the oil obtained by techniques enfleurage,
d) pomade Oil, the oil extracted from its flowers using enfleurage, as technical deodorizer.

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Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil obtained from Cinnamomum zeylanicum Ness called Cinnamon oils, while derived from Cinnamomum cassia called Cassia oil. Cinnamon oil is used as a flavouring agent in the manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics, and soaps.
Its export volumes are relatively small. BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia) mentioned that at period of 2000 - 2003, its export volume is quite large in 2000 which amounted to 14,400 tons, but declined rapidly in subsequent years, only up to 100 tons / year.
Addition of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon into the dish, can inhibit the rise in blood sugar levels than people who do not consume it. Thus the findings of experts in this oil which is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "It improve insulin sensitivity, thereby allowing a person to use more glucose in the blood and keep blood sugar levels remain stable," said research team leader, Joanna Hlebowicz PhD. Addition of this spice into a dish that contains carbohydrates or starch may also stabilize blood sugar after meals. Stable blood sugar levels will minimize fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and for people with diabetes it means reducing their insulin requirements.
Its trees is one of the typical crops grown in Indonesia and many mountainous areas, such as Kerinci in Jambi Province. From this plant which can be commercialized especially is its bark (cassiavera) as the main source of cinnamon oil. This product has a distinctive aroma and flavor that is classified into exotic spices from the east (oriental flavor). It can be further processed into dried product in the form of sheets or bars (sticks), powders, or extracts (cinnamon oil or oleoresin). These products are usually exported in the form of dry sheets or bars to multiple destinations including the European Union and the United States.
From the research in ITS, Indonesia by Indah Ratri Puspaningsih about distillation of this essential oil, obtained conclusions: The longer the time of distillation of cinnamon oil obtained yield more and more. The smaller the size of the material to be distilled, then the yield produced is more and more. The oil from the bark obtained at most eight hours, with material size> 50 mesh and material capacity of 800 grams. Volume of the essential oil produced from the bark during the 8-hour experiment with material size> 50 mesh and the material capacity of 800 grams is 8 ml. The oil produced has: density: 0.899 gr/cm3 acid value: 2.8, water content: 1.976%; oil content: 1%.

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Fennel Oil

Fennel oil, also called minyak adas in Indonesia, produced from the fennel plant. Varieties that produce this oil consists of two sub-species, namely Var. Vulgare (Miller) Thelling (wild and bitter) and Var. Dulce (Miller) Thelling (intensive cultivation and sweet). It is commercially produced by distillation of its fruit (seeds) using steam distillation system. Its yield is approximately 1-6%. Distillation to make this essential oil should be done immediately after grain harvest. During the process of distillation of fennel oil, the condenser temperature should be kept rather high, to prevent freezing of the oil in the condenser tubes.
The main components found in fennel oil such as anthole, fenchone, and estragole. The presence of these components in that essential oil depending on the varieties. It is known as one component of Telon oil. Telon oil is a famous oils in Indonesia used to warm baby’s body (but not too hot).
Fennel essential oils are the most important of the Dulce variety contain anethol (50-80%), limonene (5%), fenchone (5%), estragole (methyl-chavicol), safrol, alpha-pinene (0.5%), camphene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene and p-cymen. Vulgare varieties are not used to be cultivated, because although it sometimes contain more oil, but this kind of fennel oil is characterized by a bitter fenchone (12-22%) so that it is cheaper than the other one from varieties of Dulce.
The content of fennel oil issued anethol causing a distinctive aroma and nutritious carminative. The roots contain bergaptene. Roots and seeds contain stigmasterine (serposterine). Pharmacological Effects and Outcomes Research: 1. Active components, anisaldehide, improving efficacy streptomycin for the treatment of tuberculosis in mice. 2. Improve the digestive tract and stimulate peristalsis expenditure fart (flatus). 3. Eliminate cold and phlegm. 4. It containing anethol, fenchone, chavicol, and efficacious anisaldehide soothing the digestive tract and works like a stimulant appetite. 5. From one study in adult humans, it is found that this oil has devastating effects of kidney stones. 6. In animal experiments, extracts of its leaf decoction can lower blood pressure. However, other ways of fennel oil processing do not show these properties.
Local Name
Hades (Sunda), adas, adas londa, adas landi (Jawa),; Adhas (Madura), adas (Bali), wala wunga (Sumba).; Das pedas (Aceh), adas, adas pedas (melayu).; Adeh, manih (Minangkabau). paapang, paampas (Menado).; Popoas (Alfuru), denggu-denggu (Gorontalo), ; Papaato (Buol), porotomo (Baree). kumpasi (Sangir Talaud).; Adasa, rempasu (Makasar), adase (Bugis).; Hsiao hui (China), phong karee, mellet karee (Thailand),; Jintan Manis (Malaysia). barisaunf, madhurika (Ind./Pak.).; fenkel, spigel.

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Jeruk Purut / Kaffir Lime Oils

Kaffir lime oil is generally produced by the method of steam distillation or steam from several parts of its trees. The trees height is between 2 and 12 metres. The trunk is rather small, curved or angular and branched low. Older stems are round, dark green, can be plain or mottled. The leaves is yellowish green and aromatic. The shape is round with a blunt tip and stemmed. Winged leaf stalk width, making it almost resembles a leaf.
The materials used to make essential oil are its leaves or skin.
Characteristics of the the oil from the leaves mainly dominated by volatile oil citronelal (80%), the rest is citronelol (10%), nerole, and limonene.
The essential oil that is derived from the industry was widely used in cosmetics, perfumes, antiseptics, etc.
The oil from the leaves in international trade is called kaffir lime oil. It is widely produced in Indonesia with an output of several tons per year. Kaffir lime oil consumption at this time is dominated by the fragrance industry, but its potential is quite large in flavor, although these kaffir lime oil do not have FEMA numbers.
The leaves contain 1.8% tannins, steroid triterpenoids, and essential oils from 1 to 1.5% v / b. Fruit skins contain saponins, tannins I%, steroid triterpenoids, and the kaffir lime oil containing citrate 2 to 2.5% v / b.
Kaffir lime oil total fraction contains 19 compounds with higher levels of the class of hydrocarbon monoterpenes (α-pinene (0.14%), sabinen (3.09%), β-pinene (0.18%), β-mirsen ( 1.42%), limonene (0.24%), β-osimen (0.76%), γ-terpinen (0.13%), α-terpinolen (0.16%)) and the class of oxygenated monoterpenes (linalol (4.89%), neoisopulegol (0.44%), citronellal (74.83%), terpinen-4-ol (0.22%), β-sironelol (7.82%), sitronelil acetate (2.64%), neril acetate (0.78%)), whereas seskuiterpene hydrocarbon group (trans-kariofilen (1.25%), α-humulen (0.21%), bicycloogermacrene(0.60%) and δ-cadinene (0.21%)).

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Cajuput oil (cejuput oil, oleum-melaleuca-cajeputi, or oleum cajeputi)

Cajuput oil is produced from the leaves of Melaleuca spp which belongs to the family and the order Myrtalae Myrtaceace. Some species are already known to produce the oil and is commercially cultivated is M. leucodendrom, M. cajuputih Roxb and M. Corn viridiflora. Its trees found naturally in the region of Southeast Asia, which grew in the lowlands or swamps but rarely found in mountainous areas. Its plants that grow in swamps have different chemical composition to that found in the lowlands. Plants that grow in swamps have sineol low levels, some even do not contain sineol, so it has no economic value.
In Indonesia, the plants growing in the Moluccas (Buru, Seram, Nusalaut, Ambon) and South Sumatra (along the Musi River, Palembang), Southeast Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Irian Jaya. In the area of the plants grow naturally, while plants that are cultivated in East Java and West Java.
Cajuput oil obtained by distilling the leaves of its plants in blue to green, while the oil that has been purified yellow to colorless and smells like camphor.
The main compounds of this oil is sineol which reached 65%. Given these components, cajuput oil can be directly used as medicines and perfumes. But abroad, it is also used as raw material for pharmaceutical and perfume industries. Other plants that also contain sineol are eucalyptus, with a levels of about 85%.
World demand for cajuput oil is estimated at more than 100 tons per year with the use of Asia's largest landmark, while in the world, eucalyptus oil is more used. Most people in Indonesia know this product better than other kind of essential oil because they use it daily when they feel cold or "masuk angin".
Melaleuca cajuputi sub sp. Cajuputi spread naturally in the Mollucas islands and northern Australia. This species has been widespread in Indonesia, especially in Java and the Moluccas by utilizing its leaves for distilled traditionally by the public and commercially to produce a high economic value oil. These plants have a long biological cycle, fast growing, can grow well in well drained soil and bad with high levels of salt and acid tolerant and open place and is resistant to the fire. The research of P3BPTH seedling types of its trees ancestry test in Gunungkidul obtained estimates for the genetic improvement of oil yield by 21% to the average population in the seed orchard, but when compared with the cajuput oil yield produced from the plant, the increase in the yield over 100%. On levels of 1.8 cyneole, produced an increase of 10%. As for the nature of crop growth obtained an increase of 15-20%. With the increase in its yield of 100%, it is expected that the production of cajuput oil can be increased to more than 2 times with the same crop area. Preparation of seedlings can be generative (seeds) and vegetative.
Quality of cajuput oil is classified into two, namely the quality of the Main (U) and quality of First (P). Both oil quality grade are distinguished by levels of cineol, which is a chemical compound derived terpene alcohol ester groups present in essential oils like cajuput oil. Cajuput oil quality has cineol content ≥ 55%, moderate quality of cineol levels less than 55%.
In general,its quality is said to have a distinctive odor, has a specific gravity measured at a temperature of 15oC for 0.90 to 0.93, has a refractive index at 20 Celcius degree temperature range between 1.46 to 1.47 and optical rotation at a temperature of 27.5 ° C (-4) - 0 degree. Refractive index is a number that indicates the ratio between the sine angle sine angle comes with a bias light, whereas the optical rotation in question is the magnitude of the playing field of polarization of a substance.
In addition, it will remain clear when tested solubility in alcohol 80%, ie in the ratio 1: 1, 1: 2, and so on till 1: 10. It is not allowed to contain the fats and oils of pelican. Fat oil is oil derived from animals and plants, such as beef tallow and coconut oils, which may be added as an ingredient in cajuput oil mixing. Likewise, the term describes a group pelican oil petroleum such as kerosene (kerosene) and petrol is used as mixing material for this oil, thus damaging the quality of the oil.
The most important part in these standards, in addition to determining the quality of the above, the test methods to determine its quality, both of which are listed in a document or packaging. Tests done in two ways, namely visual test methods and laboratories test. How to do a visual test for the test odor, while laboratories conducted trials to test the cineol content, specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, solubility test in 80% alcohol, fatty oil content and oil content pelican.

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Massoi oils / masoi oils

Masoi oil produced from the distillation of masoi (Cryptocarya spp) bark, has a fragrance (sweetish oil) and feels hot when exposed to skin. Cryptocarya spp grow wild in the eastern part of Indonesia's forests, height about 40 m. Trunked upright, the inside is red, while the dove-colored skin.
Masoi oil contains about 80% eugenol, and 6% terpene and safrole. It is a natural source of lactone. The content of safrole in the Masoi essential oil needed in the chemical industry, for heliotropin maker, raw material celluloide (film), cosmetics and fragrances.
Masoi oil is produced in Indonesia with an output of more than 5 tons per year in export destination countries such as USA, Europe, Australia and Japan.
Judging from its constituent chemical components, this oil is different from mace oils. It doesn’t contain eugenol, while the mace oils contain small amounts of eugenol. The main component in this oil is compounding massoilactone (C10H16O2).
On the island of Java, the bark are traded in the form of bundles, weighing about 10 kg bundle type and size of skin about 100 cm long and 5 cm wide. The bark is usually used as a mixture of traditional medicines, particularly in the manufacture of herbal medicine.
The plants consist of various varieties are included in the family Lauraceae, among others Cryptocaria massoi (especially found in Bogor). Massoi aromatica Baecari, Cinnamomum Cinnamomum culilawan xanthoneuron Blum and Blum.

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