The uses of essential oil as fleas repellent on pets is possible, because if it can be a healing agent to humans, it can also be a healing agent to the pet. They are good for health and psychology (mood). But you must be very careful if you want to give it for your animals. This is because it should be used based on a strict recipe and we all know that they can not tell what they feel during the treatment. Even when a pet give a particular expression of abnormal behavior to indicate that it was interrupted by a particular infection or disagree with certain treatments, it is still difficult for us to understand the true meaning of such behavior. This is why you should first and foremost seek the advice of your veterinarian before administering essential oil as the fleas repellent for your pet. Your veterinarian, off course, has more experience with their necessities and behavior.
Ticks are very common for animals, for example in cats. They must be treated humanely as humans take care of itself. It has been urged by animal rights advocates in several regions of the world and these regions even through the long journey to make regulations which provide protection to them. Cats are one of a close friend of humans. Therefore, people should take to maintain their health, and particularly a common infection that is often endemic in pets i.e. fleas. As in humans, infection in animals can be lowered their mood, appearance, and also agility. Essential oils has often been considered to be used for the treatment for the infection.
They can be given to our pets without worrying about side effects if they are used properly. They can be used for treating head lice because of lice attack in the area around the neck and legs. Therefore, applying essential oils as fleas repellent around the region will not cause significant problems for the health of pets. Lavender, and peppermint are good for curing head lice are. Another form like eucalyptus, cedar lemongrass (citronella cedar) and lemon can also be considered.
Another possibility is to try a mixture of rosemary, white cedar, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint oil as fleas repellent on pets. However, you must give it to the its neck and let it dry for some time before lacing on the its neck. You should also understand that every case has its own treatment. Therefore, you should get advice from a veterinarian because of what you copied from friends may not apply to your case. And especially, the treatment itself must be understood risks to the health of your animals. It means you must pay more attention on the dosage and how to use it properly. The last thing, it does not restrict the uses of essential oil as fleas repellent, but also are mentally refreshing and relaxing pets just like on a normal human feeling. Always contact your vet before using that treatment.
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Monday, July 18, 2011
How to make essential oils
This post describes how to make essential oils from certain part of aromatic plants. Extraction of essential oils can be done in three ways: (a) distillation, (b) pressing (expression), (c) by using the solvent extraction (solvent extraction), and (d) adsorption by the solid fat (enfleurage). Among the four modes which are widely used by the essential oil industries are the the first and third way.
Distillation is the oldest method of the essential oils production. This method is suitable to produce volatile compounds that are not easily damaged by heat, such as clove oil, patchouli, citronella scented, nutmeg, vetiver and ginger.
Pressing is done by putting pressure on the material using a device called a hydraulic or expeller pressing. Several types that can be separated by pressing are the oil of almond, lemon, orange peel, and other types.
Using solvent extraction is suitable to produce flower oils which is less stable and can be damaged by heat. Solvents which can be used for this purposes, among others, chloroform, alcohol, acetone, ether, and fats. While enfleurage used specifically to separate the oil of flowers, to make essential oils with high quality and oil yield.
Distillation is a process of physical separation of a mixture of two or more products that have different boiling points by first boiling component having a low boiling point separated from the mixture. To simplify that process, the raw materials can be treated firstly (materials handling) by some means such as drying, washing and sliced.
Drying can accelerate the extraction process and improve the quality of the essential oils, but during the drying some of the oil might be lost due to evaporation and oxidation by air. Several types of raw materials do not need to be dried, such as ginger, and other materials that are refined in a fresh condition to prevent loss of aroma which is desired.
Washing is usually done to materials derived from the soil such as fragrant roots, and rhizomes. The goal is to clean the material from dirt, preventing the oil so as not to dirty, and the efficiency of loading of materials in the kettle flute.
Slicing will facilitate the evaporation of essential oils from the material, expand the flute surface properties of materials and reducing the Kamba. In general, slicing performed on the size of 20-30 cm.
In the essential oil industry, it is known about three kinds of distillation methods to make essential oils : (1)distillation with water (water distillation), (2)with water-vapor (water and steam distillation), (3) direct steam distillation.
In the distillation, pressure, temperature, and flow rate depend on how old is the distillery and type of commodity. Old distillery varies from 3-5 hours to citronella scented, 5-8 hours for patchouli and clove oil, 10 - 14 hours to nutmeg oil, and 10-16 hours for vetiver oil depends on the type of raw material (wet / dry ), the use of pressure and temperature. High vapor pressures can cause decomposition of the oil, therefore it is better refining begins with low pressure, then increased gradually until the end of the process.
During the distillation process, vapor condensed and fell to the bottom of the boiler must be removed periodically through the disposal to prevent the porous submerged steam pipes, as this can impede the flow of steam from the boiler to the boiler flute.
In the cooling process, the temperature of cooling water into the tube or the ideal cooling pond about 25-30 degrees C, and the maximum temperature of the water out 40-50 degrees C. Outgoing water temperature can be regulated with the zoom in / out discharge cooling water into the tube / cooling pond.
Separation of oil from the separator tube should "not arrested" (taken with a scoop), because it will cause the oil separated from the water will re-dispersed in water and difficult to separate again, thus resulting in loss (loses).
The result still looks cloudy because small amount of water and dirt are dispersed in oil. They can be separated by filtering the oil using Teflon fabric / silk screening. That separation can also be done by adding a water-binding substances in the form of Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous (Na2SO4) by 1% then stirred and filtered. This is also the important step of process to make essential oils.
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Organic pesticides from essential oils in Indonesia
The demand for organic pesticides or plant-based pesticides as a main component in the control of nuisance organism plant increased directly as the development of organic agriculture with the world market demand of U.S. $ 17.5 billion at the rate of increase in demand of 10-20% per year. In Indonesia, the government since 2002 has been put in motion Go Organic 2010, with the aspiration to make Indonesia as one of the major producers of natural food in the world. Indonesia National Standard which sets out the Organic Food Systems has banned the use of synthetic chemical compounds, but suggest the use of natural pesticides and control mechanically.
There are 2400 species of plants that have a property to be used as organic pesticides in the broad sense. A variety of volatile plant that grows in the land of Indonesia has been known to have the potential to be used for this purpose in the scope of agriculture to control plant bug, including insects, mammals, pathogens cause plant diseases (fungi, bacteria , viruses, nematodes) and weeds. Farming communities in various regions generally have local knowledge in the use of plants around them to be used to protect crops and livestock.
Chinese society has also utilize many kinds of of organic pesticides from essential oils that some of the same kind as the oils found in Indonesia, such as neem and melaleuca.
In addition to use on the farm, organic pesticides can also be used in the household environment. Essential oils of some plants such as lemongrass, neem, lavender and geranium are effective as a mosquito repellent. Citizens in Papua zodia leaf rubbed into their bodies as a mosquito repellent before entering the forest for hunting, collecting forest products or farming.
Besides as a pest repellent, essential oils can also be used as a decoy compound (attractant) for specific bugs in the field. Formula attractants for fruit flies (Bactocera hector) is made and basil oil and melaleuca has been widely used by horticultural farmers in the country as the organic pesticides to control fruit flies in the star fruit, guava, red peppers, apples, jackfruit, papaya, mango, melon, and tomatoes.
In the environment around the settlements, some volatile plant can be grown and placed in such a way in the yard or indoors. Some of the plants mentioned are: Meulaleuca, Basil, Mimba, Seraiwang, Nilam and Zodia. Future research is needed to study this potential so it can be utilized optimally with due respect to effectiveness, efficiency, security and aesthetics.
Essential oils of clove, neem, and citronella plant are the raw material of organic pesticides with the multipurpose broad use or because it can serve as an organic pesticides, insecticide, fungicide, bactericide and anti-virus. Extracts of clove, lemongrass, and turmeric reported to be effective to kill golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) with mortality reaching 100 percent. Extracts of the plant cloves, jeringau and piretrum also proved effective as an organic pesticides to pepper pests (Dasynus piperis, Diconocoris hewetti, Aphis craccivora, A. gossypii, Ferrisia virgata) and mosquitoes (Culex sp.) Researchers at IMACRI, Indonesia has also produced repellents "Mimba" and "Namus" made and neem oil and lemongrass. Has also produced anti-mosquito liquid fuels "Naumi" which comprises raw materials and kitchen lemon grass, patchouli, clove, cinnamon, lemongrass and nutmeg scent. This product is a fragrant scent, safe and suitable for use indoors. Formula attractants for fruit flies (Bractocera hector) is made from basil oil, neem and zodia (ATLABU) has been widely used by horticultural farmers in the country as an organic pesticides to control fruit flies in the star fruit, guava, red peppers, apples, jackfruit, papaya, mangoes, melons, and tomatoes.
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Essential oils aromatherapy tips
Essential oils aromatherapy can be used for therapeutic purposes. They are natural plant extracts obtained through steam distillation or chemical extraction. They are usually presented in the form of pure and natural so it is generally safe to use it for aromatherapy. However, there are some cases when the natural ingredients can cause adverse effects or allergic reactions. Always remember that you only need to use a small amount of them. You have to dilute it with carrier oil before use.
Here are some useful tips for essential oils aromatherapy:
First tips, before using them for therapeutic purposes, be sure to consult with an experienced experts. This is important especially for people with certain medical conditions experienced by either current or past. There are certain medical conditions which the use of essential oils aromatherapy can actually aggravate a particular disease or health condition.
Second tips, do some research before using it. Research can be done by reading books or searching for information on the internet.
Third tips, there are several of them that can enhance or counteract the effects of certain drugs. So, when using essential oils aromatherapy, be sure to choose the kind that can help medical treatment, rather than vice versa.
Fourth tips, volatile compounds are usually sold in high concentrations or concentrated, therefore they are very powerful. In most cases, you need to dilute it with carrier or vegetable oil before use. Some of the recommended carrier oil include almond, olive, apricot kernel, hazelnut, jojoba, coconut, palm, and avocado oil. Each kind of volatile compounds has different suitability with the certain carrier oil.
Fifth, avoid contact with eyes, because it can irritate the eyes. Avoid touching eyes with hands that may have used it. Most of the volatile compounds provide a sense of hot or warm to the skin even spicy in the mouth. You can imagine what will happen if the compounds are touching your eyes.
Sixth, keep it out of reach of children. Children have a great curiosity and therefore they do not know the dangers. They want to know the taste of the objects around them by touching it by hand, smell, even taste it.
Seventh, if you are pregnant or nursing, consult a physician before using essential oils aromatherapy. It can cause negative effects to the unborn fetus. However, midwives are known to give oil of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) to women during and after childbirth to reduce pain.
Some of them are not recommended during pregnancy is jasmine, myrrh, and ylang-ylang.
Eighth, many volatile compounds are not suitable for infants and children under the age of 12. Before use in infants and young children dilute it 2 to 4 times more dilute than those used for adults.
Ninth, it can cause dermatitis and sensitization, especially when used repeatedly. Use only a small amount of them at a time.
Tenth, when choosing it, always check the names of the Latin or botanical to make sure you use the proper one. They may have the same common name but can have different functions. Some of them that have more than one common name.
Knowing these precautions as essential oils aromatherapy tips can help you avoid a mistake.
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the Benefits of ginger
Research on benefits of ginger had been conducted by Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) of Indonesia , through the institutions of "Pusat Studi Biofarmaka " (Center of Biopharmacy Study). It is found that there are many benefits of ginger for health. This spice even became one of the ingredients for traditional herbal beverage. According to Prof. Dr. Ir Latifah K Darusman, Head of Center of Biopharmacy Study, IPB , it is a medicinal plant which has been known for a long time and widely used.
Developments of ginger benefits research in Indonesia
Research related to the advantages of ginger indeed many are already doing it. However, through the Pusat Studi Biofarmaka IPB try to do those on a segment that has not been touched by the segment of aquaculture: the market potential and quality control of its simplicia. However several researches of the efficacy of its antioxidant properties and its product formulation also performed. Some of them are related to the health benefits of ginger has been done by the Pusat Studi Biofarmaka, making standard operating procedures for its cultivation, with a cultivation system based bioactive materials as excellence. Development of analytical techniques for quality control its simplicia also performed, namely the determination of quality test directly from the simplicia. Assessment strategies for supporting this rhizome as a commodity exports are also being conducted. The researches are carried out either independently or in collaboration with other agencies such as the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration of Indonesia.
Is there any harmful substance in this herb?
No harmful effects that will be posed by its chemical components for use in accordance with the recommendation. But that must be considered is the presence of other chemicals (eg aflatoxin) contamination in its simplicia caused by Aspergillus sp.
Benefits of ginger for health?
It is one of the most common herbs used for medicinal components. Pusat Studi Biofarmaka IPB in collaboration with Oxford Natural Products has conducted an inventory of drugs study used medicinal plants for nine types of diseases. The study results showed that it was recorded as a component of herbal medicine for 7 types of disease and is the most common herbs used for herbal medicine is efficacious as a pain reliever and digestive tract disorders relievers.
In preclininic research, both in vitro and in vivo, it have wide potential as antimicrobe, antifungal, antihelmintic , anti-inflammatory, antitumor, immunomodulatory nature, antilipidemic, analgesics, and have a protective effect on the digestive tract. While in clinically, the most obvious benefits is to relieve symptoms of nausea in pregnant women. For the other benefits of ginger such as preventing nausea after surgery, preventing drunk because of travel, and pain due to osteoarthritis, in clinical studies to date are quite effective but still must be confirmed by further studies.
This rhizome is still save a lot of opportunities to be developed by the researchers. The availability of this rhizome, especially in tropical countries like Indonesia and Nigeria, strongly supports such efforts. Some researchers in Indonesia has even explored the use of the extract in the manufacture of packaging materials. The results showed that the addition of the extract to the packaging material could inhibit the degradation of fat in packaged food.
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Indonesia healthy beverage from garbage?
Healthy beverage from garbage?
The history of Java healthy beverage in Indonesia records many types of traditional beverage recipes. "Wedang uwuh" that is now in vogue many people is just one of them. Although in Javanese language it means “garbage drink”, but it is capable for refreshing our body. Its taste is also so unique.
There are many kinds of healthy beverage in a tradition of Javanese society. There are wedang jahe (ginger drink), ronde, secang, and so on. In addition to warm the body, some of those are able to relieve cough and increase human endurance.
That is now in vogue many people, especially people living in the area of Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta (one of famous province in Indonesia ) and surrounding areas is wedang uwuh. Popularity of this healthy beverage was also already penetrated the capital and several other big cities in Indonesia. Not a few people brought "wedang uwuh" as a gifts that is ready to brew, after a trip to Yogyakarta.
Wedang uwuh lower cholesterol?
“Uwuh” in Javanese language means trash or garbage. Nicknamed “uwuh” because when its raw material mixed, it looks like a garbage. Various types of herbs to be content of this healthy beverage include ginger, shavings of sappanwood, shavings of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg leaf. Sometimes the stem of lemongrass or lime leaves are added as well. Finally, rock sugar or palm sugar is used as a sweetener.
Judging from basic ingredients, wedang uwuh has benefits for health. Ginger, through several research, proved beneficial for blood circulation. Ginger is an anticoagulant (blood anticoagulant) greater than garlic or onion. Ginger is also capable of lowering cholesterol levels because ginger contain essential oil that reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and liver. Research conducted by experts in Japan shows, ginger can lower high blood pressure by reducing peripheral blood flow rate.
Cinnamon essential oil has antioxidant properties and make the traditional healthy beverage is much more enjoyable. Many herbalists believe that the mixture of ginger and cinnamon are believed to increase our body protection because of its high antioxidant content.
Briefly, a long time ago the Javanese have recognized this trash drink as a good drink for the human body through the experience that they pass on to their descendants, rather than through systematic research. But, ultimately, their knowledge is now slowly beginning to prove its truth.
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Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tips about ginger for health optimally
Among the many types of plants, nothing provides advantages more than benefits of ginger for health. There are many reports about its benefit. It is more than just herbs, because it proved efficacious repel a variety of diseases. Even NASA, had been interested in researching the efficacy of this spice to overcome the drunken crew.
In China, its dried form has been used as a raw material for medicine by a physician who lived during the time of Emperor Shen Nong, who lived 2000 years BC. In China also found two books on medicine who first discussed the properties of the fresh ginger for health in the year 500 AD. Discussion of its efficacy are also written in Anglo-Saxon medical books published in the 11th century. Two centuries later, this is the spice of the kitchen which is very popular in the UK, after the black pepper. Its price is very expensive, to gain 1 pound (about half of a kilogram) of this rhizome, people need to spend money equivalent for a sheep.
Here are several tips about ginger uses for health based on information from the Center of Biopharmacy Study IPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute), Indonesia.
Tips #1:What ingredients are allowed or prohibited mixed with ginger?
Several studies indicate that the use of appropriate clinical doses, they did not interact with other medications.
Tips #2: It should be taken after meals or before meals?
Associated with its content of bioactive compounds that have the ability to heal wounds in the stomach, so it should be taken before meals.
Tips #3: How to process/ cook it so well that the content of efficacious substances will not change?
Bioactive substances contained in this spice (eg zingiberene or its essential oil) is a thermolabile compound. For that processing that uses excess heat that ought to be avoided. However, in an aqueous solution, these substances can last up to a temperature of 100 degrees celcius.
Tips #4: How about ginger consumption frequency?Is it dangerous when it is consumed every day?
The use of its powder orally at levels of 2 grams per day (in one dose or divided into several times) allowed in the long period.
Tips #5: Is there any contradiction when it is consumed by people with ulcers, because there is substance in ginger as opposed to gastric acid?
There is no information related about its contradiction at the recommended dosage for this. Only one study conducted by researchers from India shows that the use of its powder at doses of 6 grams per day can cause stomach irritation.
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Tips for aromatherapy bath using essential oils
Tips for Bath Aromatherapy Using Essential Oils
Aromatherapy is the ideal way to relax, relieve stress, anxiety, and relieve muscle pain. While using a hot water is generally a favorite of women, now more and more women are enjoying this treatment. Here are tips for using essential oils for bath aromatherapy .
1. The key so you can reach the maximum benefit is to select the types and essential oils blend which is appropriate.
2. To start it, just add a few drops of them into the solvent (carrier oil), i.e. almond.
3. Add this solution into the water, mixed with a thoroughly before you use it for bathing.
4. There are many different recipes that you can use, depending on what kind of benefits you want to accomplish.
5. Good choice for this relaxing activity including rose, neroli, jasmine, ylang ylang, and sandalwood.
6. If you want to create a mood of calm and relax after a tired day of work, consider options such as chamomile or lavender.
7. This kind of therapy is also a great way to help children relax after a day of activities, because it will make them sleep more soundly at night.
8. Warm bath with chamomile and lavender would be a good choice for children.
9. To prevent unwanted problems, always make sure to use essential oils that do not make your allergies.
10. If you are not sure about allergic reactions that may arise, you can talk with an expert to be sure.
11. In addition, there are some types that should be avoided or should not be used for this activity. These essential oils include cinnamon, black pepper, clove, thyme, nutmeg, basil, and oregano.
12. This aromatherapy is ideal if it is done after your body clean.
If you want to soothe your tired body, pamper yourself, or share a romantic evening with your partner, aromatherapy bath can be an ideal choice.
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